A collection of testimonials about the noni fruit and juice


Short description

Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in your blood. Your body needs cholesterol to build healthy cells, but high levels of cholesterol can increase your risk of heart disease. With high cholesterol, you can develop fatty deposits in your blood vessels.

Testimonials from Noni juice consumers

After using noni juice for five months, my cholesterol dropped from 198 to 132. My nurse was amazed!

Charles B., USA

Since I started drinking noni juice, I am less tired and my cholesterol levels have gone down. When started drinking noni juice my cholesterol was 254. I went to the doctor 5 months later and my result was 157. I was so happy.

Pamela J., USA

I have experienced many changes in my health thanks to noni, including getting rid of an irregular heartbeat that has dramatically improved. My bad cholesterol dropped by over 150 points. My triglycerides dropped nearly 200 points. I had borderline high blood pressure, which is now completely normal. Just before learning about noni I was spitting up blood and had blood in my mouth almost every day. Then just a few weeks of drinking noni and it went away. That was over six years ago and I have not had similar problems since. My energy level has increased. I had carpal tunnel surgery about eight years ago because of numbness in my wrist. The feeling in my wrist started coming back after I started drinking noni juice. Noni juice is truly a miracle from GOD and I strongly urge you to try it.

Dennis G., USA

I spoke with my husband's cousin who have had multiple sclerosis for 8 years and remembered how she had been dragging her feet and slowly declining in health. She looked great now, while I felt like I would rather hide in a hole and not come out for ten years. She told me that the only other thing she has done in her life since we last met is drink noni juice. I read the information she gave me but i was still very skeptical. I thought I knew better, why drink some "Veronica's piss"? But she looked great. My 78 year old mother-in-law, who lived with me and took 12 prescribed pills a day, once bought a bottle of noni juice and put it on the counter. What did I have to lose? I started drinking the juice the second week of September and decided never to look back. Since the end of October I have been medically free, gaining energy and I felt great!

The cholesterol medication prescribed in September was my last. I wished I didn't have to take any more prescriptions. My blood cholesterol levels were 278 and 282 in two different tests during the summer before. I started drinking 30 ml of noni juice on September 10. While 30 ml a day made me feel better, surely 4 x 30 ml would make me feel fabulous. By the end of September, I was taking 2 x 30 ml in the morning, and 2 x 30 ml after school. I also started practicing yoga. My increased energy caused by drinking noni juice had me getting up early from the couch and enjoying life. I changed some books in my classes and started focusing on what I was teaching at the beginning of my 20 years of teaching. I cleaned my house more than ever before and sang while I did the work! Sometimes I would catch myself singing loudly while walking down the school hallways. In October, my total blood cholesterol dropped to 246, in December to 222, and my last test was on February 3 - it dropped to 200. My good to bad ratio dropped to 4.08, and my triglycerides were below 200. Since the reason for these positive changes became clear, my doctor wanted to know what I was doing that my results had improved so much. At the same time, on October 3, I had my annual mammogram and received a letter that a tumor and that distribution had been found. I panicked a little and called to make an appointment but the secretary told me there would be a two month wait. On October 12, just nine days after my last x-ray, they took clearer pictures of my breasts. Later, the doctor examined me for an hour to be sure about the new images. Later, she pulled out my x-rays from a year before for comparison, since the latest images showed no lump. The doctor said goodbye to me and told me to come back for a follow-up before the year was out. I thanked God and walked out!

In November, my sister who also drinks noni juice sent me a newspaper article about a horse that was cured of cancer after 30 days on 120 ml of noni juice a day. Something clicked in my brain. I was drinking noni juice for cholesterol and intestinal problems but not for cancer. I immediately reviewed copies of my mammogram from two dates in October. The tumor was visible to the naked eye on October 3, while on October 12 there was nothing. What had happened to the tumor? What did I do for the nine days between x-rays? I drank 120 ml of noni juice a day just like the horse mentioned in the newspaper article. The cancer disappeared? I will never know the answer to this question, but I thank the Lord again, this time for the noni juice.

To be fair, I have to write that the therapy did not go completely smoothly. In mid-October, I had diarrhea and again irritated my colon. I realized that every time I drank too much noni juice, my body was being cleansed of toxins. I immediately reduced my daily intake. On the advice of my husband's cousin, I decided not to do a curtisone enema but used noni as one. What a relief! Physically and mentally! I finally found the perfect solution, without any side effects. I slowly increased the daily dose of noni juice and gradually my health improved. Drinking the juice for 3 to 6 months worked well for me. However, I was very impatient and wanted to get rid of all my sicknesses very quickly, so I preferred to do the noni juice enema when it was necessary, rather than do it as prescribed by my doctor, which unfortunately had harmful side effects on me.

By December, I had achieved my goal of a healthy body by 90%. However, another problem arose. My body pH was unusually acidic. What was I supposed to do? Withhold the juice? Never! I discovered the solution by accident and started taking "tummy tammer" to balance my acidic body ph. Now I have achieved 98% of my goal towards a healthy body. I have lost about 5 kg and want to lose more, slowly, without dieting, relying only on choosing better foods and living a more active life. Since I am successfully consuming only healthy food, I prefer to eat a handful of potato chips instead of half a bag and I rarely eat dessert. In late January, I tried eating dairy products, primarily ice cream and Swiss cheese, which I really enjoyed. Not only did I have no diarrhea, but I had no intestinal bloating or cramping neither.

The mental benefits are a delightful windfall in addition to the physical benefits I have been experiencing since I started drinking noni juice. My mood has improved, I don't get negative mood swings as easily, and most importantly, I think more clearly than before. I teach math to students, so I need to have a clear mind. The frequent blackouts that used to occur from antibiotics and tranquilizers are gone and I find that I can find solutions to problems more easily and quickly than ever before. Sickness only surrounds me as a teacher when coughing and sneezing students are around me, but this is normal in our profession. When I feel like I could get infected with anything from the outside around me, I take an extra dose of noni juice.

Whatever goes around from the outside never infects me, and I stay healthy and happy. My colleges at school now tell me that I look great.

Elizabeth R., USA

The noni juice is something wonderful, it has greatly improved my and my family's health. We all drink the juice. It has helped my father a lot with his diabetes and me mainly with my cholesterol. We have had a good experience and for that reason I recommend it. Drink noni juice!

Hermelinda M., USA

I am Burmese and worked in China for 12 years  We Burmese people know noni fruit very well, in my country most women know a lot about it. They always use fresh fruit. Noni fruit is especially known by women who are menopausal. My wife had both high blood pressure and high cholesterol. She drank noni juice and introduced it to the homes of many Burmese friends in Singapore. By drinking noni juice regularly, her blood pressure and cholesterol levels normalized. Her overall health also improved significantly. Because of the effectiveness of the juice she started encouraging me to drink it. So I decided to see how much the juice can do for me.

Hla A., China

This page offers individual, subjective testimonials that may have been impacted by factors other than noni juice consumption. The writers of these testimonies utilized varying amounts of Noni juice. If you have any medical conditions, please visit your doctor or a specialist.