A collection of testimonials about the noni fruit and juice


Short description

Myalgic encephalomyelitis, also called chronic fatigue syndrome or ME/CFS, is a long-term condition with a wide range of symptoms. The most common symptom is extreme tiredness. ME/CFS can affect anyone, including children. It's more common in women and tends to develop between your mid-20s and mid-40s.

Testimonials from Noni juice consumers

My fiancée has chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromylagia. This product is the only source of her relief. It has brought her life back to normal.

Dexter A., USA

I have suffered from hormone dysfunction since I was 5 years old. I visited many doctors of different specialties for this reason, but my energy level kept dropping due to chronic fatigue. I took homeopathic remedies in addition to natural remedies, but my condition did not improve. I also suffered from migraines for about 15 years which compounded the above-mentioned conditions. I have been drinking 60 ml of noni juice a day for 2 months now and my life has returned to normal. I live without migraines and without fatigue. Thank you for noni juice, I consume this wonderful product now every single day.

Joel, Mexico

I am a 47 year old grandmother and was a UPS driver for 17 years. Three years ago I was diagnosed with the following diseases: fibromylagia, chronic fatigue syndrome, an immune impairment, gastric acid dropout with ulcer, chronic headaches, depression, colitis and carpal tunnel syndrome. I experienced constant excruciating pain and could hardly get out of bed. I was on eleven medications and had to get an IV every 30 days. I was so sick of living. I was also taking many nutritional supplements but I was getting worse and worse. After six months of sick leave, it looked like I was going to be completely disabled. I thought my life was over, but four months ago a friend told me about noni juice. I started drinking 60 ml a day and after two weeks I started to get better. I felt better and the pain was easing! After six weeks I went off all my medications and no longer have to go back on them. I feel fantastic. This juice has changed my life! I thank God that He answered my daily prayers with this fruit juice. It helps all my friends, family and thousands of others including children and animals. Noni really is a "Gift from God".

Reba B., USA

Noni juice completely cured me of sinusitis, chronic fatigue, and high fever. I was on bed rest for four months. It alleviated my depression and severe neurosis. I was taking a lot of antibiotics which were not helping me. Finally, I decided to take noni juice. I had menstrual pain until I tried noni juice for the first time. My energy increased. The juice has helped me with all my health problems in my life.

Debbie H., USA

I'm 15 years old and I have a very unstable mood and I'm always feeling tired. I have not been able to live a "normal life" because I couldn't take any physical stress. If the temperature rose above 20 degrees in the summer, I couldn't even go out to the garden, not even talking about being capable of doing anything, because I was in so much pain. After a few weeks of drinking noni juice, I feel very well, I can cope with any stress as well as others and I feel complete.

Boglárka Sz., Hungary

This page offers individual, subjective testimonials that may have been impacted by factors other than noni juice consumption. The writers of these testimonies utilized varying amounts of Noni juice. If you have any medical conditions, please visit your doctor or a specialist.