A collection of testimonials about the noni fruit and juice


Short description

A cut is a break or opening in the skin. It is also called a laceration. A cut may be deep, smooth, or jagged. It may be near the surface of the skin, or deeper. A deep cut can affect tendons, muscles, ligaments, nerves, blood vessels, or bone. A puncture is a wound made by a pointed object such as a nail, knife, or sharp tooth. Puncture wounds often appear to be on the surface but may extend into the deeper tissue layers.

Testimonials from Noni juice consumers

I have been using noni juice for many years. Whenever I cut myself shaving or my finger with a knife, I immediately apply noni juice (which I always have in the fridge) to the wound. The blood stops flowing immediately and no plasters are needed. In the summer, while mowing the grass in my mother's garden, I was attacked by a swarm of mosquitoes and midges and I had a lot of blisters on my hands and face. "Unlucky that the next day I had a plan of giving a public presentation and I was wondering what mask I should put on my face to cover the blisters :) Fortunately mom had noni juice in the fridge that I rubbed quite solidly on the bites. In a few minutes the blisters stopped itching and in the evening there was no trace of the blisters.

Waldemar D., Poland

A few years ago, I was in Sweden visiting friends and family. One day I wanted to clean my Swiss Army Knife. I inadvertently ran the blade of the knife past the knuckles on my fingers, nicking them all the way to the bone. The wounds began to ooze blood profusely. Everyone screamed in panic and wanted to take me immediately to the hospital to get stitches. There was no doubt that I needed stitches! I was a regular user of noni juice and had the juice with me on the trip, so I immediately grabbed a bottle of the juice and poured it over the deep wounds that really looked like they needed stitches. I had heard that noni helps with healing so I wanted to try it and see how it would work in this case. After pouring the juice on the wounds, the bleeding decreased immediately. I wrapped my spread fingers with gauze and poured the juice over it. Finally, I wrapped my hand with a dry bandage in such a way that I could not bend my fingers. I felt no pain or throbbing all night. Noni eliminated the pain completely! Two days passed and I was curious how my wounds looked. It turned out that they had started to heal, but I did not want to bend my fingers so as not to reopen the wounds. I soaked another bandage with noni juice and put it in place of the previous one. The next day, when I looked at the progress of healing, both deep cuts were completely healed and I could bend my fingers without opening up the wounds. I had no scar because it healed very well and without the need for stitches. I simply used gauze and noni. Today no one can know where the cut was because there is not even the slightest scar there. Noni heals wounds and relieves pain!!!!!!!!

Conny C., USA and Sweden

After discovering the healing properties of noni, I bought the juice for my sick mother. She, unfortunately, because belives in ordinary medicines only, she did not drink it. So I took it from her and started to drink 30 ml a day prophylactically. I had read that the juice can help with many conditions, including burns and sores. One night after biting my tongue, I immediately thought of noni. I held 15 ml in my sore mouth for 3-5 minutes and the pain went away. Usually if I would bite my tongue, the area would hurt for a few days and would be sensitive to hot or spicy foods. The next day I had no pain at all. I was shocked that I felt no pain at all. I also have not had the flu or any other serious illness in the past 3 years because I drink noni juice every day.

John B., USA

The juice has helped me with sinus problems and asthma. I also used it as first aid for a cut finger. It healed in three days.

Jill C., USA

Our 10-year-old had psoriasis patches since birth. We had to be very careful what soap we used when she was a baby. Her life was full of lotions and lotions that more or less relieved her psoriasis. When her grandparents who were on vacation with us told us about the noni juice and gave us some to try, we got excited because of the taste. During that vacation, my husband cut himself while cleaning crabs on the boat. When we got into the cabin, his father told us to use it on the wound, as ancient people where using is as a remendy for everything. He was sceptical and did not believe the stories his father was telling, but to make his dad happy, he applied it on the wound. When he woke up the next day, he noticed that the wound had begun to heal painlessly. He applied the juice for a few more days and the wound healed completely. A very important thing happened, because while daddy was applying the juice to the wound, our daughter asked if she could also try applying the juice to her hands where she had psoriasis. We tried it on one hand first. The next day there was a slight improvement, so we decided to use the juice on both hands and soon noticed a lot of improvement on her skin, the results were better than after usage of medicational oitments. Since then, she drinks a small amount of noni juice every day, we use it directly on her skin, but also we use the noni juice as medicine for everything. She has become one of the best "advocates" for noni juice. Whenever friends or family visit us, she always tells them about noni. It is really a miracle. 

Kathy J., USA

My husband and I drink noni juice because of its miraculous "total control" of our asthma. My husband was sharpening a knife one day and injured his thumb. When I arrived home I immediately washed the wound and applied noni juice to it. During the following days, we could not believe our eyes. My husband said that moments after applying the juice, the wound stopped hurting him. The swelling went down and the scab never grew. He had clear, pink skin that was healing every day. During the following week, he carried heavy tools and did not cover the wound. It healed very quickly and my husband did not miss a day from work. We continued to observe the wound through a magnifying glass to see something, if we could see anything at all. This juice is great!!!

Martica G., USA

I pierced my finger with a nail, luckily next to the bone, but it was a very serious wound. I soaked my finger in noni juice for half an hour, morning and night, for three days. The wound healed completely and left no scar.

John H., New Zealand

It was a big surprise to me and gave me a lot to think about when my doctor recommended me to use noni juice for a very serious cut wound on my foot. I trusted him and when I saw how quickly it healed, I started drinking 60 ml a day as he suggested. Since the car accident, I had suffered many years of fatigue, aches and pains and a weakened immune system. Noni juice has made a big improvement in my health.

Wendy R., Canada

I had a terrible fall not long ago. I lost a lot of blood, I had a laceration on the top of my head, a bloody bruise on my eye, and my nose had a deep, one centimeter cut across it. There were also many other cuts on my nose and cheek. My lips were cut in three places on the outside and several places on the inside, plus I had five "loose" teeth. My eye was puffy and closed, my nose was twice as big, and my lips - on the left side of my face - were three times as thick. After just six days of using the noni juice, everything was completely healed except for the wounds inside my mouth! The teeth were holding strong again!

I took a Q-tip and applied the noni juice directly to all internal and external wounds and all bruises three times a day while washing my face - actually sprinkling it on (I could not touch my face). I applied the noni juice externally and of course drank extra. The pain I was experiencing was much less.

My lips were so swollen and my teeth hurt so much that I could not eat and I was practically living on noni juice and protein drinks. My face was changing - from bruised to yellow. The doctor said that if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes he wouldn't have believed that a 60 year old woman, or anyone else for that matter, could heal without any scabs and return to normal with new skin in such a short time. He said it was truly a miracle. I was able to be in a family photo planned to celebrate my birthday just six days after the accident."

Gwen K., USA

I hurt my finger around the nail, but I didn't notice. I only noticed when my finger has started tuning red and swollen. I soaked two cosmetic discs in noni juice and wrapped them around the swollen finger, only replaced them the next day. In a few days the inflamed swelling went away. The outer layer of skin pealed off and the new skin underneath had a nice pink colour. After that layer of skin as well pealed of, the new skin was there.  About 7 layers fell off before the inflammation was completely gone.

Julianna V., Hungary

I managed to cut my hand in three places with a tin can. I used three methods for healing the cuts: one was the traditional method: I applied common kitchen salt to the wound, which helps to stop the bleeding and to contract the wound. I applied Sunectar to the second cut after the bleeding had stopped, and a tiny bit of noni directly on the third wound. The cut treated with noni healed the fastest, most nicely and without scars.

György H., Hungary

Magical Noni heals skin injuries in a short time, reducing or eliminating pain. In the case of burns (hair straightener), dental implants or puncture wounds, the wound is thinner, lighter and sometimes the area heals without scarring.

Jolán V., Hungary

This page offers individual, subjective testimonials that may have been impacted by factors other than noni juice consumption. The writers of these testimonies utilized varying amounts of Noni juice. If you have any medical conditions, please visit your doctor or a specialist.