A collection of testimonials about the noni fruit and juice


Short description

Diabetes is a chronic (long-lasting) health condition that affects how your body turns food into energy. Most of the food you eat is broken down into sugar (also called glucose) and released into your bloodstream. When your blood sugar goes up, it signals your pancreas to release insulin.

Testimonials from Noni juice consumers

I am 29 years old. I was in a car accident that crushed the shoulder joint in my left hand, and part of my shoulder blade, I had a lot of bone loss and several fractures in that hand and a broken collarbone. The wound on hand was quite deep and got terribly infected. During the examination after the accident it turned out that I also have diabetes - type 1. Doctors tried for about two weeks to "reduce" my high blood sugar level (over 300 mg/dl), but nothing seemed to be working. As a result, the wound on my arm wouldn't heal, it got ugly, the bone inflamed, and I was in danger of having my arm amputated. I was given very strong painkillers. I also had trouble sleeping while I was in the hospital. More than two weeks after the accident I started drinking noni juice (90 ml a day). After just a few days of drinking the juice, I started sleeping better, without the use of my sleeping pills; the pain in my wound also reduced, and I had more energy. After about a week of drinking the juice, my blood sugar levels slowly began to drop. The doctors also said that this wound in my hand is finally starting to heal. At the moment I take only long acting insulin "Humulin N" 2 times a day, and I was drinking noni juice all day long (but just a lower dose). My blood sugar levels have dropped significantly and have stabilized. My last x-ray showed that the bone defects are filling in well.

Dariusz P. , Poland

I have diabetes and thanks to drinking the noni juice, my blood sugar went from 7.4 to 6.0 in three months. I also no longer get cramps in my legs. The open sores on my heels that I had for ten years are gone!

Unni H., Norway

I am an insulin dependent adult diabetic (Diabetes Mellitus Type II). Two weeks ago on a Tuesday evening we bought our first bottle of noni. I started drinking 60 ml of juice twice a day that same evening. 12 days later, I noticed that I no longer needed to take as much insulin as usual. 2 days after that, I increased the dose to 90 ml twice a day. I had to get out of bed because of low blood sugar [my body wakes me up when this happens]. I had to eat something sweet because I had too much insulin in my system. After all, I had already reduced the dose of insulin I was taking.

I read the following comment on internet by Dr. Stephen Hall , M.D., "Noni normalizes cell wall receptor function and many people in my practice with diabetes (type II diabetes) are cured." I am amazed!!! I still need to take insulin, but time will tell when I can stop. I cannot wait!!!

Almost a year later - more and more amazing results!!! A few months after I wrote the first part of the above description, I noticed that I started to get back sensation in certain areas of my feet that had severe nerve damage [diabetic neuropathy]. I began to feel when walking barefoot on the floor whether it was warm or cold - which had not happened for several years before.

Several years ago, I participated in a study at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School that continued research by European specialists - to stop or reduce the nerve disease in my feet. After these studies, the condition was getting worse. I thought the nerve was "dying" and there was no way to restore its function. Noni juice proved the complete opposite. I don't have full feeling in my feet yet and I don't know if I ever will, but the improvement in nerve function continues until today. I used to be unable to maintain my balance while standing in the dark or with my eyes closed. If you want to know - many of the nerves on the bottom of our feet provide the brain with feedback, the necessary data to maintain balance. This feedback was greatly diminished in my case. But about two months ago I suddenly discovered that I no longer had to lean against the wall when I closed my eyes while washing my head. How much noni juice do I drink? Usually 60 ml before bed and 90 ml before breakfast. If I am sick or under stress, I may drink 30-60 ml every hour. During this time, my insulin requirement is not reduced as I experienced a year ago, but then I drink the juice so that my body benefits from the other positive health effects of the noni juice.

Tom R., USA

I was diagnosed with diabetes in May at the age of forty-six. My blood sugar was high, requiring me to take pills. Since I was already restricted from couple of foods, I did not want to commit to exercise and more restrictive diets. However, three weeks ago I had to start dieting and I had to start taking medication to bring my sugar level to 9. Three weeks ago I started drinking 90 ml of noni juice twice a day. To try the effects of this product, I stopped taking other nutritional supplements. At the same time, I began a journey where I could completely gice up dieting and restricting foods. I could eat fast food and I could enjoy the foods during visits at Hotels. During these three weeks my blood sugar levels did not rise.... It went down to 8 and the readings I took the last two mornings were down to 7.8. I didn't have time to exercise while traveling and that's how I came to the realisation the this juice really works. Everyone needs to adjust the juice dosage accoring to their needs. For me, 90 ml twice a day is a good dose. I work many hours in different time zones, I sleep soundly and wake up refreshed. I am very excited about this juice, thanks to which, among other things, I have reduced my spending on other nutrients and now spend 1/5 of the previous cost. Sometimes I am amazed ... where has this product have been all my life before?

J. Morgan, Canada

This is not an unusual description, but my mother who has diabetes has been drinking noni juice for three months. After two months she checked her blood sugar and found improvement. She used to have a level of 160 even as she was taking medication but the result of this test showed a sugar level of 145. I thought noni might still be able to bring the level down in the next few months. She is now drinking her fourth bottle and I have noticed that she has become more energetic and more cheerful and also her body hurts less. If it will really work like this then I will be very grateful to those who researched this wonderful gift of nature, a wonderful gift from God!

Lesacaan, Philippines

I found information about noni juice in the newspaper at a local restaurant while reading the headlines. I read that it helps with the diabetes. I was skeptical, however I still made the phone call. I previously tried other nonprescription natural remedies but they didn’t really worked. I was very tired from taking injections daily. I have diabetes, type 2. Before I started drinking the noni, my blood sugar level was 387, while normal is about 100. I drank the noni and went to bed an hour later. I immediately noticed that I only woke up once to go to the bathroom even though before that I used to wake up at least 4 times. The daily leg cramps stopped and my shoulder pain disappeared as well. I began to believe in the noni juice. I am in the middle of a 90 day trial and believe that I will soon be drug free, living with normal blood sugar levels and diabetes will no longer be a problem.

Claudio L., USA

My wife and I are drinking noni juice. My wife has diabetes and her blood sugar has gone down 20 points, an now it is 89!!! She also sleeps better. My high blood pressure has stabilised as well. I am sure that the juice will help solve slowly most of our health problems. Noni works!

John, Thailand

My sister suffered from diabetes, type II. She was on dialysis for four years. Thanks to noni, she reduced the dosage of insulin and other medications and slowly after a longer period of time she mananged to stop them completely. My sister is very grateful to noni.

Ana R., USA

My 57 year old father has diabetes, since he was 25 years old. Almost a year ago he had a stroke that paralyzed the left side of his body. Taking prescribed medication by his doctor and following an extremely strict diet, his condition slowly improved. He slowly regained his strength. Now he can stand and slowly walked under supervision. A month ago, a friend told me about the noni juice. My father started drinking the juice and within the first week his blood sugar levels dropped significantly. He reduced the amount of insulin he has to inject himself daily. He now feels and looks much better and has less trouble sleeping.

The noni juice has a sour taste, but it helps me a lot with my diabetes. I am a nine year old and have diabetes. The juice has helped me a lot. When my blood sugar gets high, my parents immediately give me 30 ml of noni juice and my blood sugar level decreases to normal.

Erick S., Mexico

After my uncle had diabetes for over 3 years, I gave him noni juice and after 3 months his blood sugar levels reduced to normal. He had his left leg amputated due to his diabetes earlier. I am sure that he could have saved his leg if he had known about noni juice earlier!

Francis W., Singapore

I have type 2 diabetes with a blood sugar level of 207. After four weeks of drinking noni juice, my blood sugar went down to 66 and 74 (on two different days). My doctor reduced my glyburide dose from 15 mg to 5 mg and allowed me to skip the afternoon dose if my blood sugar was low. Now the level never gets above 100.

John U., USA

According to what a friend told me, her brother, who has diabetes, felt a tingling feeling in the pancreas area after about 15 days of drinking noni juice. And after 30 days he stopped taking insulin. Thank God for this wonderful product!

Marc R., USA

Since we heard about noni juice, our lives have become more exciting. My wife's diabetes has improved dramatically. Her doctor told us that she could go into a coma if left untreated. Her blood sugar level was over 600. She decided to drink noni juice daily and returned to her doctor. The results were amazing. Her blood sugar level was 189 thanks to the noni juice!!

Paul A., USA

I was being treated for diabetes and high blood pressure. After 60 days of drinking noni, my doctor stopped prescribing medication for these conditions. I also had relief from asthma, gastric acid reflux and heart failure.

Dr. Esther K., USA

My friend advised me to drink noni juice and recommended it to my parents. My mother is diabetic and had a blood sugar level of 227. In February she was in the hospital because she had a heart attack. After three weeks her sugar level dropped to 127 and a week later to 90. Now it is 70. Noni juice has been a gift to my family. Thank you noni juice!

Vipa, Thailand

I have had diabetes since I was 18 years old, I am 44 years old now. By drinking noni juice I have reduced my insulin dose from 70 units to about 32 units. I am working on reducing it even more! I have a lot of energy now and I can complete my daily tasks without any problem.

Tina P., USA

I was diagnosed with type II diabetes. During some meetings related to diabetes I learned about the terrible effects that could potentially happen to me. I only attended two meetings because they scared me so much. I told my story to a friend and he sent me an email saying he would send me a box of noni juice. I received the noni at a time when noni juice was not available in Australia yet. I read about the juice on the internet and the information seemed to be more positive than any other information I got from various other sources, including my doctor. I was not taking any other medication and by the time I had finished three bottles my blood sugar level dropped. Since then I have been buying it and my blood sugar level have remained between 5 to 6. I have been married since last year and when my husband and I visited his doctor, Max asked the doctor to test me for diabetes. After testing, he determined definitely that I do not have diabetes. He asked me about the trials I had back then and could not find an explanation how my type II diabetes dissapeared. I told him about noni and he said I should keep drinking it. I continue to test periodically and I am convinced that noni juice can help many people with many problems.

Marre T., Australia

The juice has helped me with chronic back pain, stomach acid (reflux) and blood sugar. It gave me energy and a sense of well-being.

Terry S., USA

My brother-in-law had diabetes - thanks to noni juice his blood sugar dropped from 10.5 to 6.5 in four days. He is really a happy man now.

Jean C., Canada

The noni juice is something wonderful, it has improved my family's health a lot. We all drink noni juice. It has helped my father a lot with his diabetes and with my cholesterol. We have had a good experience and for that reason I recommend it to everyone. Drink noni juice!

Hermelinda M., USA

My son Josh was diagnosed with diabetes. He was only four years old at the time. Since then, our family's lifestyle has changed drastically. Our medical and food bills have skyrocketed, our schedule have gotten crazy, and our stress levels have exceeded anything we could imagine. Four to six times a day we had to draw Josh's blood to test his sugar levels. Three-four times a day we injected him with insulin. In our kitchen, we had a cupboard full of diabetec supplies just for him. It was stocked with alcohol swabs and tampons, glucose tablets, glucose gel, lancets, syringes, tests, strips, carbohydrate conversion books, and so on. It was horrible. I was constantly looking for ways to simplify this part of our lives and make living with this disease easier. Since Josh was diagnosed with diabetes, this became my daily challenge. After Josh's diagnosis, we visited his endocrinologist regularly. Each time we went to him, the doctor would test Josh's blood to see what his average sugar level was for the past three months. This test is called the Hemoglobin (Hb) A1c test. It provides information to help manage diabetes more effectively. A non-diabetic has an HbAlc of 6.4% or lower. Diabetics who have "good to excellent" blood sugar levels usually have an average of between 7.5% and 8.5%. An HbA1c over 10.0% shows a diabetic has a high risk of complications and requires very close medical supervision. At our fourth visit to the endocrinologist, one year after diagnosis, Josh's HbA1c was 14.0%! We were devastated. The doctor recommended using an even tighter plan to control Josh's condition. I started talking to other parents of children with diabetes to get an idea of what they were doing to improve their blood sugar levels. Many of them suggested adding alternative methods to our daily routine. For over a year I researched and studied a method that would produce results. I had already decided on a type of supplement, but we hesitated for a long time to add something else to the large stock of medications filling the cupboard.

Grandpa Mac's idea was to give Josh noni juice. He spent a lot of time researching the product, and decided it was just what we were looking for.

I called Josh's endocrinologist for permission to add noni juice to Josh's medical menu. He asked about the ingredients I presented to him and then said OK. He commented that by giving Josh noni I would probably do more for Grandpa Mac's sense of self-worth than Josh's diabetes. Oh, how wrong he was!

I was very excited doing the noni trial. I liked that it was so simple, requiring only one step: drink 30 ml a day. The taste was strange but once Josh got used to it, drinking noni became a pleasure. Diabetics are usually not allowed to drink any juice, so the daily dose of 30 ml of noni juice became something Josh had always looked forward to.

The real celebration came three months later when we went back to the endocrinologist. Josh's HbAlc was only 7.1%. Everyone was excited, including the entire team that works in our diabetes clinic. They even asked if we would give them a bottle of noni juice so they could study the ingredients. Although my personal experience is with my son, noni can help people of all ages. At first, we hoped that noni would only lower Josh's blood sugar. Now, several years later, we understand that noni has done so much more. Noni has boosted Josh's immune system, lowered his stress levels, reduced his average number of sick days, and improved his overall health. Before he started drinking noni, Josh was constantly sick. Now he doesn't have more than one or two flu-like periods a year.

Since Josh's diagnosis - five years ago, we have longed for a treatment that would make living with diabetes, easier. Noni has become an unexpected treasure and a gift that has made our lives easier. I hope noni finds a place in your home as it found one in ours.

Emily F., USA

I have type 1 diabetes, and I was insulin dependent for over 29 years. I used to take three injections a day and have done that for over 10 years. I monitor my blood sugar four times a day. I am far from what you would call, controlled blood sugar level still but, traditionally my blood sugar levels have been very high (200 to 300+). 23 times I have lost consciousness or gone into a diabetic coma. My "normal" blood sugar level should have been between 150 to 180, and if I reached that level doctors and lab techs would have thought it was unusual. The normal fasting sugar level for most people is 70 to 110 mg/DI. So needless to say my diabetes was not a minor problem. I am now in my fifth week of drinking noni juice. I have been drinking 120 ml a day for two weeks. One day I had unusually low blood sugar levels. My readings are much more balanced than they have ever been! High blood sugar still shows up, but most of my readings are close to normal, which maked the pikes acceptable. Numbers between 120 to 180 these days while I measure my blood sugar level, something that never happened before. The only thing I changed in my lifestyle, that i started drinking noni juice. I am a really happy person right now, and I hope the results will continue to improve.

Karen R., USA

This juice is 100% magical, I recovered from type 2 diabetes and at the same time I managed to lose the excess weight I had. My headaches are gone, overall my family's immunity has increased dramatically and after a complicated operation I recovered in a significantly short period, even my doctors were amazed about my exceptional case. I recommend the Magical Noni to everyone! It is a brilliant antioxidant!

Luiza Osinska, Poland

My mother was very skeptical about noni, although I have used it for years noni for psoriasis and to improve immunity. My mom has been a diabetic with a lot of overweight for many years. One day, when I lent her Dr. Zuzanna Jeziorska's book about noni, and she decided to try. After about 3 months of drinking Magical Noni, her weight dropped by nearly 8 kg and she improved her well-being because she could reduce her insulin dosage.

Jacek U., Poland

I am 50 years old and I was diagnosed with diabetes 18 years ago. Due to diabetes, unfortunately, I have had a lot of complications during these 18 years.
Five months ago, my son introduced me to Magical Noni. During this time, I was undergoing a heavy antibiotic treatment due to my diabetic foot, and my doctor told me that my toe had to be amputated. I was not happy with this diagnosis; therefore, I started consuming Magical Noni twice a day, morning and evening, each time 50 ml. After 2 months, the wounds on my feet were improving, my doctor could not believe what was happening, so he cancelled the amputation surgery. Meanwhile, my creatinine levels in the blood were very high, which indicated very poor kidney function. I was very scared when my doctor said I might need dialysis.
During this time, I was prescribed a handful of medications, for blood pressure, heart conditions, and other diabetes-related complications. Because I was feeling constantly better, my wife and I decided that I would stop all these medications, in the beginning of October 2023. The only medication I was occasionally taking was my blood pressure regulator.
In January 2024, I went for a follow-up blood test. My results came out amazing! My nephrologist was shocked by this improvement.
However, this isn't the end of my story. For the past years, I have been periodically undergoing eye injections because of a condition called diabetic retinopathy. But at my last appointment, my ophthalmologist said that my eyes have improved, and on the right eye, he doesn't see any damaged spots anymore. What a miracle!
My blood sugar level before my journey with Magical Noni was always high, between 250 and 400. But now, my blood sugar levels seem to have normalized. I have an average of 150; it rarely goes higher, and the best thing is that I managed to stop taking insulin injections all day long. Thank you for Magical Noni!

Dariusz D., Poland

This page offers individual, subjective testimonials that may have been impacted by factors other than noni juice consumption. The writers of these testimonies utilized varying amounts of Noni juice. If you have any medical conditions, please visit your doctor or a specialist.