A collection of testimonials about the noni fruit and juice


Short description

Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes pain all over the body (also referred to as widespread pain), sleep problems, fatigue, and often emotional and mental distress. People with fibromyalgia may be more sensitive to pain than people without fibromyalgia.

Testimonials from Noni juice consumers

Since I have been drinking Noni juice for my asthma and fibromylagia (constant colds and flu in all seasons) I am free from these diseases. I no longer use the atomizer and inhaler. I do not take painkillers. I am a new woman! Also, I am losing excess weight by drinking noni juice.

Nancy S., USA

I have been drinking noni juice for years. The benefits I have experienced are amazing!!! In 1995 I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and a connective tissue disorder that made me very weak. I had trouble doing my job. I was taking a whole bunch of medications that did not make me feel any better at all. My co-worker and friend convinced me to try noni juice. What did I have to lose? I was already feeling terrible and the doctors could not help me any more. I started drinking the Noni juice and after two weeks I was amazed at the difference in how I felt. I had more energy, slept better than ever before and felt great. Slowly, one by one I began to wean off the medications until one day I no longer had to take any. Can you imagine? I was just drinking Noni Juice and it was making me feel great!!! I continued drinking the juice and shared it with others who began to experience the same benefits. We are living proof that the juice can really help. I stopped drinking juice when I had my baby and within a year I was back on all my medications. So I started drinking juice again and I am getting the same great benefits as before. This is truly an amazing product and this is how I want to share my story with you.

Beckie G., USA

Three years ago I went to the doctor to find the answer to the cause of muscle pain all over my body. I was diagnosed with muscle fiber pain and was depressed, tired and angry. I tried noni juice from a co-worker and felt great from the first sip... I WILL BE ON THE Juice FOR AS LONG AS I AFFORD IT!!!

L. Bonn, USA

I am a 47 year old grandmother and was a UPS driver for 17 years. Three years ago I was diagnosed with the following diseases: fibromylagia, chronic fatigue syndrome, an immune impairment called CVIGGIDD, gastric acid dropout with ulcer, chronic headaches, depression, colitis and carpal tunnel syndrome. I experienced constant excruciating pain and could hardly get out of bed. I was on eleven medications and had to go on an IV every 30 days. I was so sick of living. I was also taking many nutritional supplements but I was getting worse and worse. After six months of sick leave, it looked like I was going to be completely disabled. I thought my life was over, but four months ago a friend told me about noni juice. I started drinking 60 ml a day and after two weeks I started to get better. I felt better and the pain was easing! After six weeks I went off all my medications and no longer have to go back on them. I feel fantastic. This juice has changed my life! I thank God that He answered my daily prayers with this fruit juice. It helps all my friends, family and thousands of others including children and animals. Noni really is a "Gift from God".

Reba B., USA

My fiancée has chronic fatigue syndrome and muscle fiber pain. This product has been the only source for relief. It has brought her life back to normal.

Dexter A., USA

In 1985 I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. People who have fibromyalgia suffer from various symptoms; above all, they complain of pain and fatigue. In addition to constant pain and fatigue, I had constipation, frequent urination, very dry skin, coarse hair, weak nails, poor circulation and allergies all year round. I also had chronic flu all the time. In February 2000 I was diagnosed with arthritis in my feet which caused extreme pain. I could not walk or stand for long periods of time. For 6 years I could not do my housework or work in the garden. The only exercise I was able to do was gentle stretching and pool aerobic. My muscles became very stiff and I could not stand upright. Going up and downstairs became very difficult and going up and down escalators was really challenging. I had to work 45 hours a week to earn a living. However, I was so exhausted at the end of the day and work week that I was unable to do anything more than run errands and go to church on Sundays. I often had to decline various extra activities because of fatigue and pain. I tried many medications for the pain both pharmaceutical and natural. Nothing seemed to help. I am a positive and cheerful person, but there were times when I felt very sad because of my health problems. Then my friend showed me noni juice. I was very skeptical, thinking it was just a lure to sell something. I had drunk many fruit juices in my life but none of them had ever helped me with my pain. However, since it was a friend who recommended it to me, I decided to give it a try. What did I have to lose? I started drinking 30 ml in the morning and 30 ml in the evening. After three days, I noticed an increase in my energy and I no longer felt exhausted. I thought it wasn't the juice that was working, but that I wanted it to. I continued drinking the juice and after 3 weeks I felt wonderful. I ordered a box to see if it would continue and amaze me, and what else it could do for me. I asked my mom to start drinking the juice too and she also experienced a positive change. After 3 months of drinking noni juice the fibromyalgia and arthritis have disapeared and I started having a lot of energy. I only need 6 to 8 hours of sleep instead of 10 hours as in the past 15 years. I am no longer constipated! Same with frequent urination. My nails are pink again (indicating improved circulation) and i have become stronger. My hairdresser said my hair looks healthy. My skin is no longer dry and flaky, but soft. I stand straighter, walk better, clean my house with redundant energy and I can feel how renewed I am. I no longer take muscle relaxers, melatonin for sleep, allergy medication or vitamins. I thank God every day for noni juice for helping my mother and me so much.

Lynn N., USA

I began experiencing symptoms of fatigue, depression, pain, headaches and migraines. I sought help many times and was told it was stress. The symptoms would diminish to a point and then reappear with more intensity for a few months.

–When I just graduated from college at age 39 with four children, a part-time job and problems with my husband. I was feeling very sick and getting more and more depressed. I sought help from several different doctors, but no avail. They usually told me "It's all in your head".

I was diagnosed with biological depression. He prescribed me elavil 200 mg and when I began taking the drug, I experienced a rapid improvement.

Later I experienced sporadic but very pronounced symptoms of a condition called fibromyalgia, heart palpitations and liver abnormalities. Despite my continued ill health, I earned a degree from Harvard Divinity School.

After graduating from Harvard, my migraines were so debilitating that I was ready to take desperate measures for relief. I turned to alternative therapies and left all my medications behind. Everything hurt and I was completely exhausted.

I was in excruciating pain, could hardly walk and was so exhausted I couldn't get up from the couch. I finally called my a rheumatologist at Massachusetts General Hospital. He was the first doctor who listened to me and understood all my problems. He diagnosed fibromyalgia and prescribed me elavil in addition to my antidepressants (Trazadone and Wellbutrin). My complaints were marginally diminished by the medication, but increased again at times of any stress. There was brief relief from my pains and then I felt a renewed zest for life, I was thinking clearly, I was energetic, I had only mild pain, but despite this I felt some joy. With renewed energy, I tried to make up for everything I had lost through my illness, but after a few days I was completely exhausted.

One day I experienced a dramatic episode. I could not get to my homeopath (a twenty-minute drive from my home), so I finally had to call him to drive me to his office. I drove for almost an hour but had no sense of time or place. This is not the first incident of this kind in my life. Another time I again lost complete orientation while driving to my gynecologist. As I drove to her office, I was shaking and my blood pressure rose to 169/110. I was shaking for the rest of the day. After that episode, I consulted many doctors including: a rheumatologist in Newton/Wellesley; a physiologist in Newton/Wellesley PT; a afibromyalgia/allergy specialist in Newton, MA; and a neurologist at Mass General Hospital. These specialists helped me, my condition was improving somewhat, but I still felt like I was living on the margins of existence.

Later I had a family crisis that caused a lot of stress. Then I became ill again - the fibromyalgia was evident again. I was very ill with a high fever, sore throat and extreme exhaustion. I had a blood test and was diagnosed as having an acute streptococcal infection which caused a rash on my body. My liver was enlarged, I was dehydrated, my overall heath was very poor.

I decided to try some other remedy and then a friend sold me a bottle of noni juice. On the third day after I started drinking Noni, I slept through the night. My sleep problems started with me when I was six years old; this is one of the symptoms of fibromyalgia. At first I thought it was definitely a placebo effect. After the fifth night of miraculous sleep, I decided that I didn't care what it was, but I would never again do without my daily dose of noni. Just five days before I started drinking the juice, I complained to my doctor about my sleepless nights and he said it was just part of my inner disorder. Two weeks after I started drinking the Noni juice, my overall pain was greatly reduced and my energy increased to levels I hadn't experienced in years. My mood was much better, my colon and bladder problems were gone, my mind became sharper and my voice stronger. The process of improvement is happening every day. I used to notice these changes with great joy. "I can move my wrists!" Looking out the car windows at the moonrise on one side and the sunset on the other, I suddenly realized, "I can twist my neck from one side to the other!" It was a day of triumph when, wet with a passing rain, I noticed that I could wash my hair without pain or fatigue! It was a small but significant milestone for me!

The same weekend, I was able to drive eight hours on the road to and from Philadelphia and endured the entire conference. I got home at 00:30, got up on Sunday and rushed to Boston (over an hour's drive) for another five-hour meeting. Just a month ago, this would have been unthinkable. Before, a two-hour trip would have completely exhausted me and caused me terrible pain, and it would have taken me days to recover. This morning I woke up with a wonderful feeling of almost no pain and a large portion of energy. These changes as well as many others have restored my confidence that fibromyalgia had previously eroded with its symptoms. I am ready to live the second half of my life as I have never lived it before.

Kathleen L., USA

I started drinking noni juice for a very common condition - fibromyalgia (muscle fiber pain). I have also helped others with the same disease. It started when I had to deal with a death of a family member and several other problems. I was working on my back pain with a chiropractor and when he would lightly tap certain areas of my back, I would literally jump up and down on the table. My condition was very bad, also my feet hurt so much that I could hardly walk. However, another doctor made relief come for a short time and I was able to enjoy my trip to Hawaii. For many years I did not know why I felt so bad. I would sleep through the night but wake up exhausted. I had pain similar to a toothache so I used Advil because I have a very hard time tolerating pain. All the symptoms matched the disease - Fibromyalgia (muscle fiber pain). I worked at a place where I didn't have to stand all the time due to foot pain. My boss started distributing noni products. I had never heard of noni, and if someone else offered me this product I would have probably refused. I was curious what my boss was so excited about. He told me that I would sleep better and have more energy. At first I didn't notice much of a difference. However, by the second bottle I noticed that my feet no longer hurt. I woke up feeling good. What a difference! My husband didnt’t think much of it at first, but after a while he tried it, and the arthritic knee pain he had had for ten years went away. He didn't tell me about it until twelve days later when we were having dinner with friends from Canada. He told them, "I haven't said this before Joanne, but twelve days ago my knee pain stopped!" I was amazed. I got rid of my Fibromyalgia symptoms by drinking 30 ml of noni juice a day, but now I drink 60 ml a day because it gives me more energy. I increase the dosage if I become stressed and start to feel bad. I had a crisis at the end of June. At that time I was drinking 30 ml a day and my hands were incredibly stiff and painful. In early July I increased my dosage and when the bad symptoms subsided, I went back to the normal amount. If I had any doubts about the effectiveness of noni, I would give it up. Will I be drinking noni for the rest of my life? Of course. I certainly don't want to have the pain I had before.

Joanne R., USA

This page offers individual, subjective testimonials that may have been impacted by factors other than noni juice consumption. The writers of these testimonies utilized varying amounts of Noni juice. If you have any medical conditions, please visit your doctor or a specialist.