A collection of testimonials about the noni fruit and juice


Short description

Gingivitis is a common and mild form of gum disease (periodontal disease) that causes irritation, redness and swelling (inflammation) of your gingiva, the part of your gum around the base of your teeth. It's important to take gingivitis seriously and treat it promptly.

Testimonials from Noni juice consumers

I started drinking noni juice a month ago. Before that, I had deep pockets in my gums that cut open and bled every time I brushed my teeth. When I went to the dentist a few days ago, he was amazed at how much my gums had improved. He was also surprised to see that the cavities in the pockets had diminished and the gums were healthy and pink. Noni juice? I bet you on it!

June V., USA

 Noni is wonderful! It has improved my gums, dead skin on my feet, arthritis, blood pressure, my kids' ADHD and my entire life!

Patricia J., Canada

I have arthritis and the noni juice has helped me move around normally and also relieved the pain in my body. I have also noticed that my hair has thickened, my teeth and gums don't bleed anymore and my children who are in their teens don't have acne problems anymore. My two children who have ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) sleep better and their grades in school have improved.

Patricia J., USA

I bought a bottle of juice from a friend of mine when I had a sore throat and bleeding gums. The pain had been going on for 3 weeks. After the first day of drinking the noni juice, my problem have stopped and I haven't had any issues with is ever since.

Don B., USA

This page offers individual, subjective testimonials that may have been impacted by factors other than noni juice consumption. The writers of these testimonies utilized varying amounts of Noni juice. If you have any medical conditions, please visit your doctor or a specialist.