A collection of testimonials about the noni fruit and juice


Short description

Heartburn is a burning pain in your chest, just behind your breastbone. The pain is often worse after eating, in the evening, or when lying down or bending over. Occasional heartburn is common and no cause for alarm.

Testimonials from Noni juice consumers

Since I started drinking noni juice, my digestive system is working much better; I don't have heartburn anymore. I had water in my knee that it hurt my a lot. That pain is gone now. I had heel pain (spurs) that it also passed. I thank God for noni juice every day.

Lillian, USA

I started drinking noni for chronic back pain. I suffered for several years, living on pain medication and lack of sleep. It has been two months since I no longer have to take any pain medication and I sleep through the nights. Another success I can report is that thanks to noni I no longer have to take my prescribed medication, Losec, for my chronic heartburn.

Reese M., Canada

I suffered from bad heartburn and acid reflux.  After three weeks of drinking the juice I noticed that I no longer had this burning sensation. I reduced my intake of two Pepcids to zero.

Charles L., USA

I was introduced to noni juice in late May through my daughter. I was open to natural products but was skeptical about so many uses for noni juice. It sounded too good to be true! After about three weeks of drinking the juice morning and evening (a half hour before meals, 60-90 ml a day) my back pain went about 99% gone! I actually took it to improve my skin and hair! Another benefit I have enjoyed is the complete disappearance of frequent indigestion and heartburn. I use noni for my cuticles and nails!

My sister-in-law takes the juice for major depressive conditions. She felt a markable improvement after three days of drinking the juice and was able to stop taking antidepressants! I also give the juice to my golden retriever hunting dog for his skin rash. He loves it! Noni juice is a gift from God. I am so thankful for the many benefits it has brought to my health!

John G., USA

Thanks to noni juice, my lower back pain, heartburn, and arthritic hand pain have gone away. My husband was able to cut his high blood pressure medication in half and his shoulder pain went away as well.

Jan D., USA

This page offers individual, subjective testimonials that may have been impacted by factors other than noni juice consumption. The writers of these testimonies utilized varying amounts of Noni juice. If you have any medical conditions, please visit your doctor or a specialist.