A collection of testimonials about the noni fruit and juice


Short description

Why are the kidneys important? Your kidneys remove wastes and extra fluid from your body. Your kidneys also remove acid that is produced by the cells of your body and maintain a healthy balance of water, salts, and minerals—such as sodium, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium—in your blood.

Testimonials from Noni juice consumers

In January, my mother called me with the news of my dad being seriously ill and lying unconsciously in the hospital. I went to the head of the hospital where my dad was addmited in. He told me that his prostate cancer was discovered too late, „opening" him up and proceeding with surgery could only make things worse. They only did a kidney fistula because his kidneys were so polluted that they no longer functioned. They gave him a maximum of one month to live. They started with chemotherapy and discharged my dad from the hospital after about two weeks. Of course, they didn't removed his kidney fistula - they told him it is permanent, and he would have to wear it for the rest of his life. He started drinking 4 tablespoons of noni juice twice a day. After a month, he started walking around the apartment on his own. In September, they pulled Dad's kidney fistula out, because did not needed it anymore. Dad feels much better and goes for walks every day. At the moment, he drinks two tablespoons of juice a day as a preventive measure.

Robert L., Poland

My name is E. Kunzmann and I have eight children. This is the story of my daughter, seven-year-old Sabina. She was four years old when she fell ill. An examination at the Children's Clinic in Bad Mergentheim revealed pyelitis; one of her kidneys was twice as big as the other. In addition, the doctors found Pseudomonas bacteria in her urine. After two weeks in the clinic, her kidney condition got worse. She started going to the doctor once or twice a week for urine tests. After 6 weeks, the doctor found Klebsiella (Pseudomonas) bacteria, protein, and leukocytes. We used antibiotics, did urine tests, etc., until December (after each 4-6 week period) bacteria were detected continuosly in her urine. In December, the doctors decided to put her on IV antibiotics, to try to get better results with it. Additional tests, especially of the bladder, however revealed nothing new. At the end of January, when the bacteria was detected again, she was given adult doses of antibiotics, knowing all the possible risks. With this we had better results till June the same year however everything got worse quickly again when the disease returned much stronger. In October, the doctor said she cannot do much because all what she tried before wasn’t doing good to her. More bacteria (including E. Coli), leukocytes and proteins were then detected in her urine. In addition, she was feeling very tired she was crying throughout the day constantly. We were shocked and unhelped. What were we supposed to do? When my daughters godparnets came to visit us, they suggested some natural alternative treatments for her. At the end of December till the beggining of the following year we went with her to Viernheim. The professor who treated her used only natural remedies without unconventional medicine or antibiotics. The turning point came in October, when the professor gave our daughter noni juice and told her that from now she needs to drink it every day. For the first three days she received 30 ml twice a day. Later we went down to about 20 ml twice a day. In November I noticed that she was much calmer and not crying all day long. It was obvious that the juice had worked! In early January another urine test was done. The results were still not very good unfortunately (226 leukocytes); however the test made the end of January, just two weeks later, there were no more leukocytes or bacteria in her urine! We were amazed. We couldn't believe it. After another two weeks, she no longer had protein in her urine either. The noni juice had even cleansed her kidneys internally. We were happy. Our little daughter had finally recovered! Now she continues to drink the noni juice. In June she had an accident. She fell off a horse. She had an open fracture combined with an infection. It is hard to believe, but even though she had 3 surgeries, the wound healed very quickly and without pain. I applied noni juice to the wound daily. By the previous week (early August) she had no more bandages!

E. Kunzmann, Germany

I had three surgeries on my left kidney. I couldn't sit up. I couldn't get out of my bed. I couldn't breathe normally, but just after drinking half a bottle of noni juice, I could move and I finally started recovering. All my pains were gone. Thanks to God and noni, now I am a very healthy and very happy person now.

S. Processo, USA

I was in the hospital for 9 months and came out with a kidney disfunction. Both my kidneys were damaged from the drugs I was given in the hospital. I was on dialysis when I started drinking noni juice. I feel much better now and my kidneys are recovering slowly.

Morley G., Canada

Everything started when one day I started feeling very unwell and my temperature jumped up to 40 degrees Celsius. My doctor diagnosed it as the flu. However, I had no other symptoms that suggested the flu. I just did not feel well! I was unable to run my dental practice and after a week of sick leave, I developed pain in my groin, which prompted me to go to Nort Shore Hospital and get an X-ray. A CT scan and urinalysis showed kidney stones. An intravenous pyelography of the kidneys confirmed this the next day. While in the hospital, I was sharing the room with two other patients who were also suffering from kidney stones. They were both on morphine but the pain was still torturing them. I had no pain. During that entire two-week period from the intervention to explode the stone (4 mm), I increased my noni juice intake from my normal 120 ml each morning to an additional 120 ml during the day. I never felt any pain when the pieces of the stone where cleaning out from my kidney. This is my own proof that noni juice really works! What a gift to the human race!

Cliff B., USA

This page offers individual, subjective testimonials that may have been impacted by factors other than noni juice consumption. The writers of these testimonies utilized varying amounts of Noni juice. If you have any medical conditions, please visit your doctor or a specialist.