A collection of testimonials about the noni fruit and juice


Short description

Lymphoma is a group of blood and lymph tumors that develop from lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell). In current usage the name usually refers to just the cancerous versions rather than all such tumours.

Testimonials from Noni juice consumers

My stepdaughter is 41 years old and has had various ailments her entire life. Due to chronic thyroid problems by the time she was 20, she was very overweight. Eventually, she developed adult-onset diabetes, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, severe daily headaches, muscle fiber pain, and multiple sensitivities to chemotherapy. Her biggest problem was fever for many years as a consequence of a complete uterine excision (hysterectomy)! These problems prevented her from working even part-time, so she could never have proper medical care.

When she was granted a pension, she could begin research. At that time, she began to lose weight drastically and was so sick and weak that she could not walk or even get up from the couch without assistance. We took her to a doctor who was certain she had cancer and scheduled her to see an oncologist. The diagnosis was unequivocal - stage 4 malignant non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, the last treatable stage. The cancer had spread to the liver, spleen, one lung, stomach and part of the chest! The prognosis was very poor; they told us that even with chemotherapy she had at best a 20% chance of surviving two months. Neither her father nor I told her about this. I myself was drinking noni juice with and had great results, and I knew that if anything could help her, it could only be noni. However, she only believed in traditional medicine and was not open to using a natural product. She had previously tried noni once and became very ill so she believed she was allergic to the juice. Of course, we did not know at the time that it was the symptom of the cancer!

She started chemotherapy, but the doctors were not hopeful. When she came home, she was very weak and sick. I continued to encourage her to try noni juice. Eventually she realized there was no other option and agreed to "noniza" as she called it. Since the juice had not previously worked well on her, we decided to try doing a compress on her stomach over her belly button to see if that would be a better way for her body to absorb the juice. However, she had a deep scar from having her uterus removed. I thought I was putting a compress on her belly button, but it was lying on the deepest part of the scar. The next day a huge pool of pus scratched where the compress had been because the incision had never healed for her. This was probably the source of her fevers, which were now disappearing.

She started tolerating the juice after two days so we started giving her 30 ml every 20 minutes all day (this was probably too much, too soon, but we didn't know that!). When she was discharged from the hospital her blood count was 1800 which was still pretty low. That day she took her last dose of noni juice at 10 pm and fell asleep. At midnight she woke up and told us that her bones hurt so much that she thought she was going to die. When we took her to the hospital, her blood count was 7,800! The doctors said that her bones were producing blood cells so fast that they were hurting her from inside! So we reduced her noni dosage to 8 x 30 ml a day for the next year.

During chemotherapy, instead of feeling bad traditionally - she felt better and better. She had almost no nausea. She wasn't losing her hair. She was becoming more positive and wanted to be around people again. Previously, she rarely left her room or left her bed; now she asked her father to come in at 6:00 or 7:00 a.m. for coffee! Her chronic fatigue and muscle fiber pain eased and her sugar levels were normal again, whereas they used to be 300-600. She started going in the town shoping, something she hadn't done for many years because of her allergies.

More than a year after doctors gave her a slim chance of survival, her oncologist said her cancer had shrunk by 80%! Her doctor was amazed at such an improvement in her health. Next month she reduced her dosage of noni juice from drinking 4 x 30 ml a day (I was against it), and she also drank a protein and vitamin/mineral drink. Her new oncologist was surprised that she had not had any chemotherapy for five months and he found nothing wrong except anemia. However, he showed no interest in noni juice. Next month, he had a CT scan and noticed several nodules and gray areas in her stomach, liver and spleen. He thought the cancer might come back and signed her up for a biopsy, so I immediately encouraged her to go back to 8 x 30 ml of juice a day. Her oncologist found no signs of cancer during the biopsy, just scarred tissue! He could not be 100% sure that the cancer was gone, but we were thrilled and hopeful about it. Her condition continues to improve. She continues to drink 8 x 30 ml of noni juice a day, which gave us hope that eventually all traces of cancer will disappear one day. (I know it's important to drink such high doses when you're dealing with serious illnesses - you can't expect such results with a normal dose of 60 ml a day).

The message I want to send to all cancer patients is this: Keep a positive attitude and know that there are alternatives that help people with this terrible disease. Drink noni juice every day!

Update 1

She had her third CT scan and biopsy after finishing chemotherapy, and her doctor said she still has no signs of cancer!

Update 2

She called me and said that she had her blood work back almost perfect results and her doctor asked her if she was still drinking the juice. She told him she was and he asked her if she thought it helped. On a previous visit as soon as she walked in he said - "Just please don't say anything about the juice today". She has recently reduced the dosage to 4 x 30 ml a day.

Update 3

She called today with the news that she had another CT scan and the doctor told her that there is no sign of lymphoma! He said she is practically healthy! Wonderful news for family and friends.

Update 4

She had another CT scan and the doctor said he still found no sign of active lymphoma. However, she will never stop drinking juice.

Nancy C., USA

Our daughter was diagnosed with stage 4 lymphoma. She immediately began drinking 10 x 30 ml of noni juice a day. She had chemotherapy and full medical care. Her doctors were amazed that her blood count showed a normal range. Her checkups revealed that her condition had completely resolved.

Joyce S., USA

My name is Jelena. I am 19 years old. It all started six months ago when I started coughing. First it was a normal cough that didn't bother me, but then I started coughing up blood. I went to the doctor and he said that I had a chest infection and prescribed me some tablets. Two weeks later I was spitting blood again and nothing had changed. One day I was coming home from school and I was short of breath. I felt pain in my chest and couldn't catch my breath. My mom took me to a local doctor who thought I had asthma. He prescribed me medicine. It didn't help. I was still coughing up blood and I was short of breath. I was then referred to a specialist and had a CT scan to see what was going on. Soon I was told that I needed to have a biopsy to see what the problem was.

I had a 4 centimeter piece of flesh cut out of my neck for a biopsy. After the operation I could not talk, eat, drink or do anything. I didn't want to live. I didn't want to see anyone and I didn't want to leave my bed. I was tired if I did anything. If I was going to walk, someone would have to walk beside me to help me keep my balance. I spent two weeks in bed screaming and praying for my life to return to normal. I wanted a normal life, I wanted to go to school, I wanted to see my friends and spend time with them and so on. My parents knew that the biopsy was negative and the operation was not going to work. It was discovered that I had "Hodgkin's Lymphoma" (malignant granulomatosis) which is being treated as cancer. By this time I had lost 15 kg and was not the same girl my family and friends knew. When the doctor said "cancer" I didn't believe it. It was too much for me. I was 19 years old and my whole world collapsed. I wanted to kill myself several times. I didn't feel like talking to my parents, sister, brother, friends or anyone. I knew I had to undergo chemotherapy and there was no other option. I was told that I had to go through twelve chemotherapy treatments. When I started the first chemo, I thought I was going to die. I didn't get out of bed for two weeks; I went through a lot of other reactions like migraines, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, and I had different moods. I kept coughing up blood, which was very disturbing to both my family and myself. Even my doctor wasn't sure why I was coughing up blood. There were times when I felt OK, only to burst out crying ten minutes later for reasons I don't even know. I no longer expected anything from life, everything seemed so different. My whole life changed in those two months. After my second chemotherapy treatment I felt worse and worse day after day. Two days later I started using noni juice. When I first heard about it, I have to admit that I was not excited about it. I didn't believe that a simple juice could make a difference or make me feel a little better. Magically three days later the coughing up blood stopped. That morning I woke up and like every day, my parents expected me to start coughing. I didn't cough. From that day on I noticed many other changes as I continued to drink the noni juice. I had more energy and was happier. I talked to my parents and friends, who I had closed off from before I found out I had cancer. I myself noticed that I had changed. I have been through six chemotherapy treatments and I don't need any more. Thanks to noni juice I don't need to go through twelve chemo treatments – six only were enough. I am very grateful to noni juice and I truly believe that it is God's gift to people. I would recommend noni juice to anyone, especially if there is something wrong with their health. I do not wish anyone what I had to go through. I didn't really believe in the effectiveness of noni juice when I started using it, but my parents believed in it. I am better now because of gratitude. I am happy that I can help others who have a need like I did six months ago.

Jelena, Australia

My biopsy showed that I had lymphatic cancer. From that day on, the doctors' visits, medications and chemotherapy began. Last December, my oncologist recommended that I try noni juice. I did and experienced the "miracle of life." From the first moment I took the juice, I feel great energy and my life is like never before.

Marleni M., Venezuela

This page offers individual, subjective testimonials that may have been impacted by factors other than noni juice consumption. The writers of these testimonies utilized varying amounts of Noni juice. If you have any medical conditions, please visit your doctor or a specialist.