A collection of testimonials about the noni fruit and juice


Short description

Menstruation, or period, is normal vaginal bleeding that occurs as part of a woman's monthly cycle. Every month, your body prepares for pregnancy. If no pregnancy occurs, the uteru, or womb, sheds its lining. The menstrual blood is partly blood and partly tissue from inside the uterus.

Testimonials from Noni juice consumers

Noni juice helped me with my menstruation and PMS. It also helped me with my asthma and being overweight.

Jill C., USA

Noni juice has changed my life. I no longer suffer from stomach acid reflux or the menstrual pains I lived with for 8 years. It is truly a blessing.

Heather I., Canada

I suffered from the worst menstruation in the world. Most of the time I had to stay in bed bescause of it. I started drinking noni juice mainly for my arthritis and noticed that my menstrual cramps were at least about 80% milder. The second month I felt the same result. I know this is due to the noni juice. Any gynecologist in America would have prescribed birth control pills for my pain, but I didn't want to take the drugs. I can now stop using ibuprofen for both arthritis and menstrual pain.

Debbie K., USA

I suffered from painful menstrual cramps and nausea. Sometimes I had to leave work early. My period lasted nine to twelve days until a good friend told me about noni juice. I no longer suffer from cramps and nausea. THANK GOD for this juice, I only wish I had known about it sooner.

Ada G., USA

I am 19 years old. I have not had a period for two and a half years. I went to several different doctors, but they didn't know why my periods suddenly stopped. Their advice was always ... if you take the pill, you will be fine. I was against it and tried to find the reason myself. Finally, after a year I decided to take the pill for six months and I was getting my period normally. Then I decided to stop the pills. I drank noni juice for a week and after three days I got my period! I wondered if it was a unique coincidence that I accidentally got my period? Did drinking the juice cause it? Whatever it was, I decided to continue drinking noni and if it goes well I will start getting my period again normally and my menstrual problems will be only history.

Christina, USA

For seven months I had my period that wouldn't stop. I went to my gynecologist who prescribed me pills. After three months of taking the pill, my condition did not improve and I went again to my doctor to get more help. The gynecologist then decided that I needed to start taking other medications. I didn't want to take those "drugs" because of the side effects, so I looked for a solution to my problems on the Internet. A friend of my parents once told them about noni juice. After reading various testimonials from other noni juice consumers online, I started drinking the juice. After five days of drinking 30 ml a day, my bleeding stopped. Then I also noticed that I didn't need to take my allergy medication that I had been using for several years and my stomach started working normally. I was no longer drinking gallons of Pepto. I had more energy than ever before, and I also slept better. I had never felt so good as now. Now my whole family drinks the juice and my horses and my dog as well. We all have our testimonials to tell about the "juice". I thank God every day for what He has done for us.

Jo Lee C., USA

I am 39 years old. I have had problems with my menstrual cycle since I was 12 years old. Every month I had nausea, diarrhea, lower back pain, burning sensation, severe abdominal pain and headaches. At age 24, I was diagnosed with endometriosis. I also had cysts on my ovaries. After my uterus was partially removed, doctors assured me that my pain and other symptoms would be normal each month. Six years later, it all came back.

My menstrual cycles were a real nightmare until I met a distributor of noni juice who introduced me to the product. Within minutes of drinking my first dose, the headache was gone. It was unbelievable. I had no more stomachaches or mood swings, and my energy level increased tremendously. Now I work six days a week compared to four daysbefore. My noni dose is usually 60 ml in the morning, but sometimes I increase it to 120 ml in the evening if I feel stress. My period passes without pain. I plan to drink noni always! When I told my doctor about it, he replied that he doesn't know anything about noni, but if I feel better, I should continue drinking it.'' You can bet I will!”

Michelle T., USA

I was on a hike when I got my period earlier than expected. I was not prepared and I did not take my usual painkiller but I had a bottle with me in which I carried 50-100 ml noni juice diluted with 400-450 ml water. During a break, I drank it and as fast as the painkiller usually works, the painful cramps went away and I was able to continue and enjoy the hike. Long term consumption of noni helped me to get rid of my mood swings almost completely from which both I and people around me suffered.

Eszter S., Magyarország

This page offers individual, subjective testimonials that may have been impacted by factors other than noni juice consumption. The writers of these testimonies utilized varying amounts of Noni juice. If you have any medical conditions, please visit your doctor or a specialist.