A collection of testimonials about the noni fruit and juice


Short description

An acute infection caused by the herpes zoster virus, the same virus as causes chickenpox. Shingles occurs because of exposure to chickenpox or reactivation of the herpes zoster virus. The virus remains latent (dormant) in nerve roots for many years following chickenpox.
Shingles is an extraordinarily painful condition that involves inflammation of sensory nerves. It causes numbness, itching or pain followed by the appearance of clusters of little blisters in a strip pattern on one side of the body.

Testimonials from Noni juice consumers

Two years ago, my son was diagnosed with shingles and his doctor told him to stop working for a while. He prescribed panadol for the pain and calamine ointment. My son followed the doctor's advice for 24 hours, but the pain was so bad that I suggested he start drinking about 30 ml of noni juice every two hours for the pain and to put it directly on the infected area instead of calamine. For the next two days, my son soaked a cotton pad in the noni juice and washed the infected areas as well as drank the noni juice. He said that this gave him considerable relief. Within 48 hours of starting to use the noni juice, the pain decreased to a great extent. My son reduced his juice consumption to 3 - 4 times per day for the next week and no longer needed to wash the infected areas with the juice. After nine days he returned to work. I suggested to four people who had shingles to use the same method my son used. ALL four experienced the same amazing results. One lady had hemiplegia in her eye, another had hemiplegia around her torso, my son had hemiplegia in his leg and buttock, another person had hemiplegia attack the entire hairy part of his head. One person had shingles all over his torso. Most of them had shingles for several weeks and one lady for about three months! The lady with hemiplegia in her eye had been sick for five weeks and the pain was literally torturing her before I talked to her husband. She told me later that it was a miracle because within 72 hours of drinking and applying the noni juice to the affected area, the pain was greatly reduced. She soaked cotton balls in the juice and put them on her eye and drank about 120 ml of noni a day.

Renya M., Australia

During Thanksgiving this year I started having pain on my lower left side of my back near my kidney. I thought it was muscle spasm caused by traveling over the holidays and carrying a travel bag. However, the pain was getting more intense. I tried treating it with Tylenol, with codeine and other medications. Since I had not taken any medications before, I assumed that they should help me. My daughter, who is a physical therapist, gave me deep tissue massage and other treatments because we believed the pain was muscle related. However, the next day I developed a rash and the pain started to get worse. I still thought a warming bandage would give me some relief. It did not. My daughter told me that it looked like shingles. I went to a doctor and he also said it was shingles. I went to another doctor and he also confirmed that I had shingles. I started drinking noni juice but only about 120 ml a day. Since I learned that Noni has an antiviral effect I decided to increase the dosage to 90 ml four times a day. In the evening I made a noni compress, covered the entire rash area with it and went to sleep like that. By the morning the pain was gone and never returned. The rash is gone and no new attacks are occurring. I truly believe that noni is a miracle fruit that helps get all the essential nutrients into every cell in the body.

Jacquelyn F., USA

I was diagnosed with hemiplegia. It affected the left side of my head, forehead, and eyes. I was treated with antivirals, but my doctor told me that I would have needlestick-like pain for at least a year, and possibly for the rest of my life. I also had numbness on the left side of my forehead - my doctor told me this was due to damaged nerve endings and that the numbness would last forever. The pain I felt on the left side of my head was a mix between pain and a burn. The doctor said the pain could be worse during times of stress (Oh, oh - stress is my middle name!). Later I learned about noni. The reviews described noni as a good product, so I made my first order without even thinking about my hemiplegia. However, from the first 30 ml dose, the needlestick-like pains disappeared. (For 3 months before drinking noni, they were happening every 10 minutes). I was delighted. I ran out of juice too soon and the burning pain on the left side of my head started again. I quickly placed an order and found again that as long as I was drinking noni, I did not feel this pain. What would my life be without it? The most amazing thing happened after drinking noni regularly for about 2 years. I started having a tingling sensation in the numb part of my forehead and to my surprise the numbness completely disappeared and feeling returned. It seems to have repaired the nerve endings. This is all due to the noni. I will never stop drinking this juice. What a wonderful gift God sent me when I needed it the most. I have never had to experiece again excruciating pains I have heard about from many people with shingles.

Joyce G., USA

I suffered from shingles for over two and a half years. Because of this disease, I had several other complaints - chronic fatigue, sleepless nights, hands that hurt so much I couldn't even unscrew a jar, a stiff leg and pain in my back. I also had many other symptoms. One of them was problems with my carotid artery. I had to sleep on my right side to keep my neck from throbbing so I could fall asleep. I started drinking Noni juice. I drank 30 ml three times a day. By the third day my energy level had increased and I felt much better. After the fifth day, I literally felt like someone had lifted an invisible curtain, like I was coming out of a fog. Ten days before using the noni I developed a rash on my arms and chest. The hemiplegia was localized my hand. In the previous two and a half years it had appeared in my left hand and about nine months later it was in my right hand and had been there for about nine months. Just when I thought they were gone, they moved back to the right hand. The only way to take the pain away was to use Belladonna every time I had an attack. This calmed the skin but never removed the virus. The tenth day of drinking noni juice was a cleansing day. In less than 24 hours the rash was gone. My next notable improvement was my hands. They were so bad that I could not even open the jar. They got swollen below the thumb. Then the shoulder pain caused by cervical disc degeneration went away. Back pain that had been going on for over twelve years was much less now. After about three months of drinking noni, I noticed that the problems with my neck (carotid artery) were gone - the artery was no longer throbbing in the evening when I went to bed. For nearly twenty years I had visible purple veins in the back of both legs. One day when someone asked if this noni juice helped with the vericose veins, I looked at my legs and noticed that they were clear and the veins were not visible! What a wonderful surprise....

Nancie J. F., USA

This page offers individual, subjective testimonials that may have been impacted by factors other than noni juice consumption. The writers of these testimonies utilized varying amounts of Noni juice. If you have any medical conditions, please visit your doctor or a specialist.