A collection of testimonials about the noni fruit and juice


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Testimonials from Noni juice consumers

My dog, Lawrence was playing with his friend, a border collie and must have gotten hurt in the meantime and the white of his eyes turned red. He does not allow dropping noni in his eyes, but he consumes Magical Noni. I increased his daily does to 100-150 ml / day and as I serve it cold, he especially appreciates it in this heat. He jumps like a kangaroo when he sees the glass bowl that is always used to serve him his noni. In 4-5 days, his eyes recovered completely.

B.né P. Júlia, Hungary

My brother loves his two-year-old dog whose name is Thomas. Unhappily, someone was cruel enough to feed him poisoned food. The poor dog, who was normally very lively and strong, became a wreck. First of all, he did not eat and lived only because he was given steroids. After seven days, seeing no improvement, the doctor advised us to „put him to sleep forever”. My sister-in-law convinced us to give him noni juice – 30 ml three times a day. To our surprise, the next day Thomas was standing and eating. Four days later, his condition had greatly improved. Now my brother, his wife and children consumes the juice themselves too!

Alejandro T., Venezuela

I have a little yorkie dog who is twelve years old. Two years ago he couldn't go up the stairs at home and we couldn't go for far walks with him because he had severe arthritis. He also had constant green pus in his eyes. He slept all the time and seemed to be „fading away from life”. I bought noni juice and read some articles about that it had improved some animal’s condition. I started giving him the juice with a dropper every morning. He now takes full droppers every other day. Within the first week his eyes stopped tearing and he could walk longer distances. He can now walk up and down stairs and is again very playful. He acts just like a little puppy, playing, running and eating well. Noni saved his life and added an extra few years to his life’s journey. We also have a little poodle who is two and a half years old. He also drinks noni juice. When my husband and I drink the juice in the morning, he also runs to us to have some. He eagerly flogs the juice directly from the small glass measuring cup. Noni has given my husband, myself and our little pets a great improvement in health.

Carole J., Canada

My cat has been with us for fifteen years and has never been sick. However, one day he fell over walking around the house and left a trail of blood. This cat have been potty trained to litter and had never dirtied the house before. I knew something was hurting him from inside. I thought I could give my cat some noni juice. I tried but he was not willing to drink it. I put half an ounce of the juice on his paws so that when he cleans himself, he will lick the noni juice up. The next days my cat recovered and was back to normal. Thanks for this wonderful fruit.

Clarene Y., Singapore

The juice also helped my cat who was losing a lot of hair. Now it is growing back.

Alicia D., USA

While visiting my home country of Sweden, I witnessed the remarkable healing of a wound in my daughter's cat. He came from the manor dragging his leg. One of his front paws was cut with something. The wound was very deep. White tendons were visible and the cut was two and a half centimeters long. We immediately said, "You have to give him noni!" I applied noni juice to the wound, but the cat got hysterical because he was in a lot of pain and after that he would not let me near him. Somehow I finally managed to wrap the wound and three hours later I said, "It's noni time again!" This time the cat didn't freak out and let me treat his wound again. He just sat there and did not wiggle around (this was because the noni also has an analgesic effect and had been working on him for over three hours). The next day we wanted to check the wound on the cat's leg but could not find it! We checked both front paws to be sure we had looked at the right one!!! To our surprise we could simply not find the wound anywhere, it healed without leaving a mark. Noni heals wounds and provides relief from pain even in animals.

Conny C., USA & Sweden

Our dog Unice was hit by a car ... Thank God she was alive but she had some pretty bad cuts. We soaked gauze in noni juice and applied it to the wounds overnight. We also poured the juice into her bowl. By morning she was well and running. Thanks to the noni juice.

Crystal S., USA

My friend's dog drank some toxic poison and the noni juice neutralized it in fifteen minutes.

Jack H., USA

My entire familie’s health greatly improved after we started consuming noni juice, including our cat’s and dog’s health. Being convinced of the benefits of drinking noni juice, we are sharing it with everyone!

Janet W., USA

I suffered from constant shoulder and knee pain for many years from playing sports. Two and a half weeks after I started drinking the juice, the pain went away. I have been giving it to my dog also because of his skin problems. I can tell there is improvement because my dog stopped scratching.

Darcey D., USA

I started drinking the juice to have more energy and to reduce my arthritic pains. I discovered that it also worked for my premenstrual syndrome! One day my cat ate mouse poison and swelled up like a basketball. I gave her noni juice and went to put the bottle in the fridge. Then she attacked my leg and asked for more. I gave her the juice four more times and she recovered very quickly. Now she meets me every morning in front of the refrigerator and asks for juice.

Julie S., Canada

My 10 year old female dog has been drinking noni juice for two years. Before that she would sometimes get up in the morning and vomit. Since she has been on the juice it has not happened again. I know the juice has helped her digestive system a lot!

Karen B., USA

I have a little yorkie who is eleven years old. He was hardly walking and so I started to give him noni. He was much better the next day. My son has a German Shepard that ate a poisonous plant one day. My son gave him noni juice and his dog recovered as well.

Lillian H., USA

Our miniature longhaired dachshund (5 kg) is fourteen years old and has lost his hair on his tail and ears. He also had arthritis in his hip and hind legs. We started adding small amounts of noni juice to his food each evening and after a month we started to notice the the hair on his tail and ears started growing back. We were amazed! The dog became active again so it was obvious that his arthritis was no longer bothering him.

Linda H., USA

I keep several hens on our yard, and one morning I noticed that one was very unwell - he was lying in the mud without even lifting her head. I thought, she'll be dead by the time I get home tonight. But she was alive. The next day the story repeated itself, the hen was lying in the same place splashed with mud without moving. I thought "What's going on? Maybe I can give her some noni juice to try," and I gave her 1 teaspoon with a dropper. The next morning I absolutely could not guess which hen was sick!

Margret S., USA

Since I started drinking noni, my energy level has increased tremendously. My migraines disappeared within two weeks. I used to have them once a week for 20 years. I give noni to my children and two horses that I own. They are all full of energy and full of health.

Jeanette C., Switzerland

After our mixed breed pet dog, Nero, has passed away peacefully, we adopted a stray dog who loved running around the fields. He was with us almost 18 years. But then he unfortunately fell unwell. His joints were troubling him, as is common in elderly pets, and he got testicular cancer. I had been consuming noni juice  for a while already, and it was really beneficial to me. So I reasoned that Noni could help my ailing friend, hoping I could get him back on his feet. Because he lacked the sufficient power, I always had to carry my dog up and down the stairs from the 3rd floor. I began to give Noni juice to my friend directly in his mouth, very slowly and in small quantities. I made an attempt to give him 30ml of juice per day. After a week, I saw that my dog could run down the stairs by himself. He was feeling so well at a certain point, that he started showing interest again in female dogs. His joint discomfort lessened, and visibly he wasn't in pain anymore. The cancer tumor stopped growing as well.  I highly recommend Noni to all kind of animals. You can make them feel better and possibly help in their recovery.

Slawomir B., Poland

This is the story of my beloved male cat Gucio - he was a foster cat in our home, but in 2016 he became a full-fledged member of our family. In 2019 as a result of hypertension, his retinas were detached and he lost his eyesight. He has been given medication ever since for his hypertension and has done well despite his disability. He was able getting in the bed, eat and drink alone from the bowls, and he was able to find his way to the litter tray. From the very beginning he was a quiet cat, slept a lot, and he enjoyed lounging in the sun. In September 2022 he became unwell after he fell off the bed. He could not get up, he was laying on the floor only. We went to the vet where he was tested for kidneys, sugar, and we did a blood test as well - all results were normal. Due to the lack of equipment, the vet couldn't test his blood pressure. They wanted to do further tests for thyroid etc., but instead I insisted on taking him to a place where they had the right equipment to measure his blood pressure. I was right, Gucio's blood pressure was very high. When I got home, I immediately started giving him noni juice with a syringe, 5 ml three and then five times a day. 
After only 2 day, Gucio was already showing improvements. He was able to go down the stairs by himself, walked around outside and went up to the 1st floor too. For about a month he received 5 syringes every day, approximately 25 ml of juice. His coat regained its shine very quickly, Gucio was showing great improvement. In the second month he was getting 5 ml of noni juice 3 times a day, and since November 2022 he has been drinking 5 ml each: in the morning and evening to keep him in a good shape. Thanks to the noni juice, he is back on his feet and allows him to live in comfort. I would like to mention that we still have a female dog and 3 more cats, to whom we have also been giving 5 ml of noni juice daily since September. 

Agnieszka K.M., Poland

When I told a friend how noni juice had benefited my beloved cat Gucio, she got the juice right away for her purebred dog Fajfer, who occasionally suffered from ailments, mostly from skin allergies. She informed me after a very short time that the dog was doing much better. She noticed that her dog was urinating frequently, which we all know is a great sign for the body getting rid of the toxins.

Agnieszka K.M., Poland

A little kitten of about 3 weeks old, Leoś had a sick eye and was malnourished, he would not eat anything. He was rescued by a kind-hearted person from the bushes. When he was given noni juice several times a day in small amounts, he quickly started eating nicely. We applied compresses to his eye and after only three days he was showing significant improvements. After just a week, his eye has healed completely.

Another stray cat was brought to us for castration - he had intestinal problems. After the treatment he stayed a few days in a foster home where he was given 4 times a day 2-3 ml of noni juice. He recovered fast, and he was adopted by his forever home.

Agnieszka K.M., Poland

Although we saw an improvement in Philip's condition quite quickly, we didn't dare to believe neither we wanted to make unnecessary noises about the impacts of noni. But now I have to write, because Philip's tumours have reduced to a degree that I don't think anyone would believe, specially that he is at the age of 11! At that age dogs (vizslas for sure!) go grey from ageing. Philip shows no signs of this, although he did have a few grey hairs, they have disappeared (!!!) he is as good as he was 5-6 years old. Of course it's only partially noni, genetics plays a part I suppose, but he certainly wouldn't be able to see from the tumour if it wasn't treated. 
He had (still has) a tumour in a very visible place, under his eye, bulging out of his lower eyelid. It has practically retracted. The live blood red tumour, originally spreading outwards, with the size of a pea, growing visibly every week, is now about a quarter of its original size, and although I am not an expert, it is now quite deep red-brown, like something that is beginning to die, dissapear. One thing is for sure, it's not a small vibrant, perky visible day by day growing berry in the eye, and not only not growing, it's visibly shrinking! All this after 2 bottles of juice..!!!! I have to admit in all honesty that we didn't use it as drops in the eye as you said, because the noni damages the rubber part of the dripper in about a week, and after seeing her condition improve rapidly without dripping we stopped getting more pippets after "consuming" 3 or 4. I don't know much about the noni. But it works, it really doea!!!
Either way, it is worth the "price". A fraction of what it would cost us to treat the cancer, not to mention that our dog wouldn't look like this if we would have started chemo! (I don't think it would even be possible due that the cancer is on the eye...)
We'll do practically anything for our dog (we've spent well over 1M HUF on Philip alone for the vet) like many other owners, it's not a question of money. I think it's not only me, an acquaintance of mine spent more than 1,5M on his dog with cancer only to prolong his suffering for another year.  I don't think Philip would have had a year without harsh chemo treatment if it wasn't for the noni. Now he is a "young" and happy dog, no distress and his condition is improving.
If I can help others by sharing his story anywhere even at a presentation, I am glad to give my name, happy to do it anytime, really!!!
This stuff is so good it should be sold, advertised!!! :-))))))
I'm very grateful for noni, I don't think he would be alive now if it wasn't for noni, and if our dear friend didn't recommend the juice for "dog use" as well!

K. Gábor, Hungary

Based on years of experience, I can confidently say that the use of Magical Noni in animals, especially dogs, has a very big effect. It visibly improves the quality of the coat, the immunity of the animal and makes the pet look much healthier overall.

Péter F., Serbia

Magical Noni is a product that every one of us should consume for better health. We started drinking it because my husband had another operation due to previous heart attacks. I had struggled with lactose and gluten intolerance, an allergy to nuts, and reflux. Magical Noni helps me on a daily basis to reduce these symptoms. My problems with joints, such as a torn meniscus and calcifications in the shoulder joint, were all solved by this wonderful product. I drink 100 ml every day, and I feel full of energy. My dogs drink 100 ml of Dogs Love Noni every day, as one of them has a tumor on the teat. Since they get Noni every day, their fur is fluffy and soft, their bowel movements are normal, and even our 12-year-old dog with cancer is extremely active. The post-operation recovery time of the knee ligament of our Labrador was extremely easy and fast; within a month, our dog started to move normally and was active; he had no pain... My feedback about both We Love Noni products has been very positive, as I see on a daily basis how mine, my loved ones, and my fur babies well-being has improved.

Albina T.S., Slovenia

This page offers individual, subjective testimonials that may have been impacted by factors other than noni juice consumption. The writers of these testimonies utilized varying amounts of Noni juice. If you have any medical conditions, please visit your doctor or a specialist.