A collection of testimonials about the noni fruit and juice


Short description

High blood pressure (hypertension) is a common condition in which the long-term force of the blood against your artery walls is high enough that it may eventually cause health problems, such as heart disease. Blood pressure is determined both by the amount of blood your heart pumps and the amount of resistance to blood flow in your arteries. The more blood your heart pumps and the narrower your arteries, the higher your blood pressure.

Testimonials from Noni juice consumers

I have been drinking noni juice since February this year. I had a hypotension of 90/60. I started my day with a cup of coffee because of it. However, now my blood pressure now is regulated and I don't have to drink coffee first thing in the morning. I had a very high ESR for a long time, now it has reduced significantly for a few months. I have more energy and I also sleep better.

Malgorzata S., Poland

For many years I worked a lot, had a lot of patients and completely forgot about myself. I had a very unhealthy lifestyle - fast food, several coffees a day etc. I got very fat and started having very high blood pressure, kidney and heart problems, and swelling in my legs - I had trouble putting shoes on my increasingly swollen legs, and in the evenings, I had terrible sock welts on my feet and pain in them. I started to feel very bad. Of course I was taking handful of pills, that I was hidding in my pockets. A distributor of noni juice called me several times with information about his product, but I treated him as just another representative of one of the thousands of companies, I had plenty of flyers for. Since this person called me quite often, at one point I decided to buy a four-pack, hoping he will finally leave me alone with his calls. Since the noni was in my home already and it was completely new to me, I decided to give it a try. After a week of using the noni juice, I began to put on my shoes normally, the welts from my socks disappeared, and my blood pressure began to decrease. I slowly started to reduce the amount of tablets until the day, when I finally managed stopped taking them at all. I only  drank noni juice. I also noticed that I had very good sleep, in the morning I woke up feeling rested after about 5 hours of sleep only.

Dr. Czeslaw G. Poland

I have been drinking noni juice for a month and a half. My blood pressure dropped from 190/100 to 130/80. I feel that the juice strengthens my immunity, I have no trouble sleeping. When I stopped drinking the juice I did not sleep at night for a week and my blood pressure went up a little, but as I said I have been drinking the juice for a month and a half only. My back pain disappeared and the thyroid gland tumor started getting smaller as well. I feel that the juice regulates processes that take place in my large intestine, where I had surgery before due to cancer. I feel the positive influence of noni juice on my general health.

Krystyna, Poland

About a year ago I came across noni juice for the first time, and I must say that firstly I was very skeptical about it. I started researching some professional information about the noni itself, and I must honestly say, that all the information I found left me surprised, especially the number of people who were describing their stories of recovery from conditions I also had myself: firstly, high blood pressure, and secondly almost constant back pain. It was this pain that was my biggest problem, imagine someone who has a desk job and cannot sit for more than a few minutes without pain. The doctors I went to prescribed all sorts of painkillers that helped with the pains, but unfortunately they were very damaging to my stomach and other organs. I finally decided to buy the juice and test it on myself. The first thing I noticed after a few days was more energy during the day. After about two weeks I noticed that I didn't need to take my painkillers as the pains had stopped, thankfully they hadn't returned until today. The next thing that came a little later was my blood pressure. After about 6 months it started to stabilize so that today I don't need to take any blood pressure pills. Honestly speaking, today after a year, I went from being a person who was very skeptical about all supplements, natural medicine in general, to a person who has greatly changed his outlook on alternative healing and the possibilities that natural medicine, wellness supplements and most of all noni could gives us. Over the past year I have come into contact with many other people personally who drinks noni regularly and their opinions and experiences are truly fascinating as to how such a small fruit can have such a positive impact and effect on all of us.

Marek J., Poland

After 3 weeks of drinking Noni juice, my blood pressure has descreased. Previously I was taking medicine for over 3 years to lower my blood pressure because I had hypertension.

Andrew G., Poland

I had very high blood pressure and after drinking the juice for one month it dropped from 190/110 to 135/85. I also suffered from arthritis and I recovered thanks to the noni juice.

Barbara F., USA

I drank noni juice after I had heart surgery. My high blood pressure dropped back to the normal levels. I had bacteria in my blood that were harming my heart, kidneys and liver. The bacteria are gone and my blood pressure levels are now normal again. Thank you for noni juice. Thank you!

Grane B., Austria

I have a very dear friend who is more than 70 years old and was on medication for years for high blood pressure. After drinking noni juice for 2 months she no longer needed to take her pills. She feels much better. She drinks 30 ml twice a day. After divorcing my husband, after 20 years of marriage, I fell into a deep depression. Thanks to noni juice, I can now enjoy life again! I no longer struggle with depression.

Reiterer J., Austria

My mother-in-law suffered from arthritic knees and high blood pressure. She went through a period of depression after losing her husband. My husband finally convinced her to drink noni juice by giving her a bottle. After three days, she called us saying she didn't understand what was happening to her, but she was feeling much better. A week later she told us over the phone that her doctor did not understand how her blood pressure stabilized after all those years suddenly. Her knees had also improved. She said she would never spend a day of her life without noni juice again.

Patricia B., USA

I was taking medication for high blood pressure (Prozac, Lipitor, and Vioxx) for six and a half years. I started drinking noni on September 14 and have not taken any medicine since then. I feel great and have not had any problems since then. It has been seven months now and I thank GOD for noni juice. I drink a minimum of 4 x 30 ml a day and I feel finally GREAT!!!

Carl E. Jr., USA

I started drinking noni juice in March in the hope that it would help me regulate my blood pressure. I started with 2 x 30 ml a day – 1 shot in the morning, 1 shot before dinner, then moved the second dose to the evening before bed. Within the first few days I noticed an increase in energy and my hiatal hernia stopped burning me. Within the first three months, my doctor noticed that my blood pressure stabilazed. He asked me what I was doing, so I told him that I started drinking noni juice. He was skeptical, but said that if I wanted to continue drinking the juice, there was no problem, it was just fruit juice and should not harm me. This went on for a year and my blood pressure remained at 120/80. My doctor then asked if I would supply him with a bottle, which of course I did. The doctor informed me that within the first week he had more energy and felt better. I mentioned to him that I wanted to stop taking the medication. I believed that noni juice works like a good medicine or much better than medications and besides that it is a great nutritional supplement. The doctor replied that he wanted to monitor me some more time and about three months later he said that I could start lowering single doses of medication by reducing the amounts. The first medication to change was adalat XL from 60 mg to 30 mg. After three months, he examined me again and said that I could stop taking adalat XL completly, but that I needed to come to him for blood pressure checks every week for two months. He then referred me for a blood work to determine if I can as well stop using cholesterol pills. I will drink noni juice for as long as I live. Noni gives me more energy, a good sense of well-being and has helped me get off the medications I have had to take since my stroke. I will continue to drink at least 2 x 30 ml a day. My "health care provider" also believed in noni and now has another patient of his who gets his noni from me. He is also getting good results!

Michael S., USA

After drinking noni juice for 4 months, I no longer need to take medication for my blood pressure and irregular heartbeat. My arthritis is much milder and the complications I had after three strokes have eased. I am absolutely happy!

Charlie H., USA

I was recently diagnosed with high blood pressure. Previously I have never been sick and the only medication I had ever taken in my life was aspirin. When I started drinking the juice – 60 ml in the morning and 60 ml in the evening, my blood pressure returned to normal after three weeks. I have been off all medications for five weeks now. This is exciting! My brother-in-law had diabetes - his blood sugar dropped from 10.5 to 6.5 in four days. He is truly a happy man now.

Jean C., Canada

For several years I have had frequently fluctuating blood pressure, sometimes dropping from 180/120 to 100/75 within 24 hours. Since I am an active cyclist, this was a significant decrease. Because my blood pressure was fluctuating up and down, my doctor did not prescribe any medicine for it at that point. One day my wife gave me some noni juice that was recommended to her by a friend of ours. Without believing that it would help me, I started drinking it. To my surprise, I noticed that after only 3 days the fluctuations of my blood presure decreased (I measure my blood pressure daily). Thanks to drinking noni juice I now have steady blood pressure. Also after a race, I would recover faster than my competitors or even myself before. I drink my dose of noni juice every morning and evening.

Peter R., Germany

I had low energy and low blood pressure for a long time. After 3-4 weeks of drinking noni juice I feel much better and my blood pressure had finally stabilized.

Marit S., Norwvey

I started buying noni juice from for my parents because of their health problems. They are both almost 80 years old. I told my mom that she needed to check the dosage for herself. She found that 120 ml 3x a day was benefitial to her. After three and a half weeks she had an appointment with her doctor. After 43 years of treating her hypertension, her blood pressure finally dropped to normal levels. She also stopped having diabetes medication and her arthritic pain has eased a lot. My daddy had triple bypass surgery a year ago. He has always had a swollen leg from groin to toe, ever since the vein for his heart was taken out. At first, Mommy had to force him to drink his dose. The swelling in his leg has completely disappeared and he can now wear his shoes to church. He very rarely uses his asthma inhaler and his energy level has increased as well. Dad is able to do his favorite things again, which is carving religious scenes, taking care of his plants, flowers, collecting fruits from the woods and so on. They both say they will never stop drinking noni and will maintain the 120 ml dose 3 times a day.

KaleoOkaMahina D., USA

Noni juice has helped reduce my husband's blood pressure and is helping to control ADHD symptoms in my 10 year old daughter.

Suzanne P., USA

My close friend was suffering from high blood pressure and leg pain. Now, thanks to drinking noni juice, his blood pressure is back to normal and his leg pain has been reduced by 90%.

Belinda F., USA

I had a stroke. I had very high blood pressure and at the doctors at the hospital were very concerned about my results. The doctor prescribed me three different treatments for my blood pressure and one for cholesterol. However, although my blood pressure was dropping to a reasonably safe level, it still remained high. 3 years later, a very good friend of mine introduced me to noni juice. During the first month of drinking noni juice, my blood pressure dropped to the normal. Since then, both my blood pressure and cholesterol levels are within the normal ranges.

Michael S., Canada

I have been drinking noni for over twelve months and am no longer taking medication for my: blood pressure, thyroid, arthritis, muscle aches, general pains, headaches, migraines and female issues.

Marion C., Australia

I suffered from high blood pressure, arthritis, oestoarthritis, heart problems and systematic lupus. After drinking noni juice, I feel much better and work much better. I want to drink my noni juice forever.

Ann Marie E., USA

After drinking Noni juice for six months, I quit smoking without even thinking about it - without any problem in the first place! My intestinal problems began to gradually ease and go away. My blood pressure has dropped significantly. I can also enjoy a glass of red wine again without problems!

Mike P., Great Britain

I am 50 years old and I was diagnosed with diabetes 18 years ago. Due to diabetes, unfortunately, I have had a lot of complications during these 18 years.
Five months ago, my son introduced me to Magical Noni. During this time, I was undergoing a heavy antibiotic treatment due to my diabetic foot, and my doctor told me that my toe had to be amputated. I was not happy with this diagnosis; therefore, I started consuming Magical Noni twice a day, morning and evening, each time 50 ml. After 2 months, the wounds on my feet were improving, my doctor could not believe what was happening, so he cancelled the amputation surgery. Meanwhile, my creatinine levels in the blood were very high, which indicated very poor kidney function. I was very scared when my doctor said I might need dialysis.
During this time, I was prescribed a handful of medications, for blood pressure, heart conditions, and other diabetes-related complications. Because I was feeling constantly better, my wife and I decided that I would stop all these medications, in the beginning of October 2023. The only medication I was occasionally taking was my blood pressure regulator.
In January 2024, I went for a follow-up blood test. My results came out amazing! My nephrologist was shocked by this improvement.
However, this isn't the end of my story. For the past years, I have been periodically undergoing eye injections because of a condition called diabetic retinopathy. But at my last appointment, my ophthalmologist said that my eyes have improved, and on the right eye, he doesn't see any damaged spots anymore. What a miracle!
My blood sugar level before my journey with Magical Noni was always high, between 250 and 400. But now, my blood sugar levels seem to have normalized. I have an average of 150; it rarely goes higher, and the best thing is that I managed to stop taking insulin injections all day long. Thank you for Magical Noni!

Dariusz D., Poland

This page offers individual, subjective testimonials that may have been impacted by factors other than noni juice consumption. The writers of these testimonies utilized varying amounts of Noni juice. If you have any medical conditions, please visit your doctor or a specialist.