A collection of testimonials about the noni fruit and juice


Short description

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a potentially disabling disease of the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system). In MS, the immune system attacks the protective sheath (myelin) that covers nerve fibers and causes communication problems between your brain and the rest of your body. Eventually, the disease can cause permanent damage or deterioration of the nerves. Signs and symptoms of MS vary widely and depend on the amount of nerve damage and which nerves are affected. Some people with severe MS may lose the ability to walk independently or at all, while others may experience long periods of remission without any new symptoms. There's no cure for multiple sclerosis. However, treatments can help speed recovery from attacks, modify the course of the disease and manage symptoms.

Testimonials from Noni juice consumers

Three years ago, my mother was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. I knew that this it was a serious disease – most probably a death sentence, because there is no cure for multiple sclerosis. At that time there were some "inventions", but doctors soon found out that they were ineffective and therefore they were not covered and funded to patients by the National Health Fund, and the cost of treatment was about 10,000 zł per month. Searching for any information about multiple sclerosis, I came across noni juice on the internet. I didn't really want to believe that some plant from Polynesia could potentially help my mother. Since my mother was already very unwell - she couldn't walk, and started to lose her eyesight, we decided to buy the juice anyway. I ordered a four-pack and my mother and I started drinking the juice in doses of 30 ml a day. I drank only one bottle but during three months my mother drank three bottles a month. Since I didn't notice any positive improvement in my mother’s condition after that time, I called the person from whom I bought the juice and told him that it doesn't work. He promised to find out more in regards to my mother’s sickness and what would be the best amount for her to drink to start having some improvement. He found out that for such severe diseases as multiple sclerosis the minimum dose of noni juice would be about 100 ml per day. From that point on, mom started drinking 150 ml of juice per day (3 x 50 ml). For the first week after increasing the dosage, mom was feeling very unwell. I was heartbroken by mom's condition, but I also knew that noni can cause a few days of increased symptoms, after which healing can occur. After that week Mom called me and said she was going to the supermarket. I couldn't believe it, but she said she felt very well, felt hungry and decided to go do some groceries. From that moment on, Mom changed beyond recognition. She got her life back, now she drives a car by herself, she goes on holidays by herself, she goes to balls, she does not need medical care anymore, she is not afraid that she will catch some diseases, she does not call me as she used to to complain about how unwell she feels, that she needs help, she manages everything perfectly by herself. She keeps drinking the juice (she drinks it all the time) she feels very good. People who see her for the first time as well as old acquaintances say that she in no way looks like a multiple sclerosis patient.

Stanislaw P., Poland

I am a 51-year-old man from Willoughby, Australia. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in August last year and an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan showed a white spot on my brain along with other symptoms that indicated Multiple Sclerosis. I had a relapse 3 months later, nearly paralyzing me with incessant nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of vision and weakness. I started drinking noni juice during my first week of hospitalization in November. At first I could not take the juice because I was vomiting (I was fed intravenously). How did I stop the vomiting? I started pouring small amounts of juice on my belly button and the nausea stopped! Since then, I have been able to drink the juice orally and not vomit it back. I told both my doctors that I would not be taking the recommended betaferon and narcotic (rebiff (R)) injections and that they should support me for 12 weeks to see if the noni juice would help me. After four weeks my balance and appetite improved. After 8 weeks I was losing weight, my skin looked healthier, and my doctor could not believe the improvement in my gait and balance. After 12 weeks, I had gotten so strong I could take a walk on sand and water at the beach! I felt amazing. My old friends came to me and asked me where I had been and what had happened. They were absolutely amazed at the degree of improvement in my health. I know other MS patients who drinks noni juice too. You don't have to be afflicted with a terrible disease like Multiple Sclerosis to tell how good noni juice is. You have to believe that this "jungle juice" is working wonders in your body, calmly and effectively regenerating and restoring proper function in your cells.

-Part Two-

In March, I emailed my story to INCC describing how noni juice helped me with MS. I have more very exciting news to share with all those affected by MS and what happens when noni is in our bodies. I did not understand how serious a condition Multiple Sclerosis is. I had no idea it could be a death sentence for me. This is what could have happened! Should I blame my parents for bad genes? Should I blame God for giving me this condition to live with it? (You would be surprised how many people blame God for bad events and failures in their lives). When the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis show up, you experience the followings. A few are worse; few of them are less so, here are they:

Extreme Fatigue. Lack of energy. Lack of strength.
Constantly falling down. Multiple Sclerosis makes you lose your balance. You constantly feel like you could fall over to the left or right. Constant dizziness and fainting. Walking can feel like a huge effort. You constantly have to lean on solid objects, walls, furniture, etc. to stay upright.
Blindness. Your vision becomes blurry. It feels like you have a cloud in front of your eyes
"Shrinkage symptoms" of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) cause your handwriting to deteriorate to the point that even your signature on documents is almost unrecognizable.
Headaches and nausea. Extensive migraine headaches are very common and require massive doses of painkillers. Headaches and shoulder or neck pain are also accompanied by nausea. You feel so bad that you want to vomit all the time.
Decrease in appetite. If you take painkillers and other medicines, your desire to eat way less. Your digestive system is not working properly, and your appetite will reduce.
Multiple Sclerosis also causes the normal body functions to slow down a lot. Loss of bowel control. Painful and frequent urination, etc.
You feel so bad that you cannot bear this torture.


I was encouraged to have a positive mental attitude to overcome Multiple Sclerosis. Noni juice changed the whole paradigm of faith for me. Could God be working in my case through healthy natural products or could it be supernatural divine intervention? My friends doubted the juice. Some of them said "noni juice won't help you!" It is only fruit juice, and how can fruit juice help Multiple Sclerosis? "Don't trust these things" I thought - what should I do now? Should I praise God for medicine and hope that drugs like betaferon, inaferon would do their best, prolong the time between attacks or should I praise God for this natural fruit (read Ezekiel 47:8-12) that will rebuild my immune system again. Could I believe that a supernatural miracle would be what was NATURAL? Our Lord placed in the ground a seed that grew into a tree and fruit with all-healing properties whenever you needed it? These were the questions I had to ask myself. I had to believe that this product from Polynesia could be the 'key' to my healing. When I left the hospital, I went to see my doctor and she wanted to prescribe me betaferon injections three times a week. I pulled a bottle of noni juice out of my bag and put it on her desk saying: "Dr. Leea, I took this juice regularly for about five weeks and many of the MS symptoms such as falling over, nausea, blindness, fatigue - went away. Qualified researchers and medical doctors recommend trying the juice for three months. I take 60-90 ml a day and most of the times even more and see what happens. If my symptoms do not improve or any other "problem" arises then I will take the drug, injecting it three times a week at a cost of $1,000 AUS (over $2500) a month (although this would be subsidized) and "do it by the book". My doctor reluctantly agreed to this. My neurologist also advised against it. The medical officer saw in my paperwork that I was only taking noni juice and so my adventure began. Friends, it will take faith to put away prescription drugs and trust only natural health therapy. I know noni. I know how noni works, I know the effectiveness of this product. I have taken the challenge. I researched the product and its many benefits; (although then, when I started using noni while suffering from Multiple Sclerosis, I found an explanation by Dr. Mona Harrison who claimed that seretonin-melatonin-is secreted in the pineal gland-the sixth gland of the body and that it controls all the other glands. This was good enough information for me and now almost 11 months later I am living testimony to the fact that noni "works" for MS patients.

I hope my story encourages you to try noni. Do it for a minimum of 3-4 months at a minimum of 60 ml but better 90 ml or 120 ml a day. Make a commitment to it. I know you will experience the same kind of help I did.

Stephen H., Australia

My patient Gale was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in February. Every time she came to see me I noticed something odd about her gait. I asked her what was wrong with her foot because she was very careful with it. She said she didn't notice anything wrong. So I asked her about her leg and thigh and if she had any pain. She replied that she did not. She was later diagnosed with MS. In late October, I called Gale to tell her about noni juice. She immediately ordered several bottles. When I went to visit her in December, I asked how long it had been since her last attack. She said three months. One of the first things I noticed was that Gale had lost weight. Her gait had changed, she was no longer bent over, she had a more upright posture. She walked evenly taking longer steps. Before noni, she used to take baby steps and walk with her hips swaying to either side. However, what surprised me most was her posture. Her spine was straighter and she seemed to stand taller keeping her head straight.

Joan L. M., Canada

I spoke with my husband's cousin who have had multiple sclerosis for 8 years and remembered how she had been dragging her feet and slowly declining in health. She looked great now, while I felt like I would rather hide in a hole and not come out for ten years. She told me that the only other thing she has done since we last met is drink noni juice. I read the information she gave me but I was still very skeptical. I thought I knew better, why drink some "Veronica's piss"? But she looked great. My 78 year old mother-in-law, who lived with me and took 12 prescribed pills a day, once bought a bottle of noni juice and put it on the counter. What did I have to lose? I started drinking the juice the second week of September and decided never to look back. Since the end of October I have been medically free, gaining energy and I felt great!

The cholesterol medication prescribed in September was my last. I wished I didn't have to take any more prescriptions. My blood cholesterol levels were 278 and 282 in two different tests during the summer before. I started drinking 30 ml of noni juice on September 10. While 30 ml a day made me feel better, surely 4 x 30 ml would make me feel fabulous. By the end of September, I was taking 60 ml in the morning, and 60 ml after school. I also started practicing yoga. My increased energy caused by drinking noni juice had me getting up early from the couch and enjoying life. I changed some books in my classes and started focusing on what I was teaching at the beginning of my 20 years of teaching. I cleaned my house more than ever before and sang while I did the work! Sometimes I would catch myself singing loudly while walking down the school hallways. In October, my total blood cholesterol dropped to 246, in December to 222, and my last test was on February 3 - it dropped to 200. My good to bad ratio dropped to 4.08, and my triglycerides were below 200. Since the reason for these positive changes became clear, my doctor wanted to know what I had been doing that my results had improved so much. At the same time, on October 3, I had my annual mammogram and received a letter that a tumor and that distribution had been found. I panicked a little and called to make an appointment but the secretary told me there would be a two month wait. On October 12, just nine days after my last X-ray, they took clearer pictures of my breasts. Later, the doctor examined me for an hour to be sure about the new images. Later, she pulled out my X-rays from a year before for comparison, since the latest images showed no lump. The doctor said goodbye to me and told me to come back for a follow-up before the year was out. I thanked God and walked out!

In November, my sister who also drinks noni juice sent me a newspaper article about a horse that was cured of cancer after 30 days on 120 ml of noni juice a day. Something clicked in my brain. I was drinking noni juice for cholesterol and intestinal problems but not for cancer. I immediately reviewed copies of my mammogram from two dates in October. The tumor was visible to the naked eye on October 3, while on October 12 there was nothing. What had happened to the tumor? What did I do for the nine days between X-rays? I drank 120 ml of noni juice a day just like the horse mentioned in the newspaper article. The cancer disappeared? I will never know the answer to this question, but I thank the Lord again, this time for the noni juice.

To be fair, I have to write that the therapy did not go completely smoothly. In mid-October, I had diarrhea and again irritated my colon. I realized that every time I drank too much noni juice, my body was being cleansed of toxins. I immediately reduced my daily intake. On the advice of my husband's cousin, I decided not to do a curtisone enema but used noni as one. What a relief! Physically and mentally! I finally found the perfect solution, without any side effects. I slowly increased the daily dose of noni juice and gradually my health improved. Drinking the juice for 3 to 6 months worked well for me. However, I was very impatient and wanted to get rid of all my sicknesses very quickly, so I preferred to do the noni juice enema when it was necessary, rather than do it as prescribed by my doctor, which unfortunately had harmful side effects on me.

By December, I had achieved my goal of a healthy body by 90%. However, another problem arose. My body pH was unusually acidic. What was I supposed to do? Withhold the juice? Never! I discovered the solution by accident and started taking "tummy tammer" to balance my acidic body ph. Now I have achieved 98% of my goal towards a healthy body. I have lost about 5 kg and want to lose more, slowly, without dieting, relying only on choosing better foods and living a more active life. Since I am successfully consuming only healthy food, I prefer to eat a handful of potato chips instead of half a bag and I rarely eat dessert. In late January, I tried eating dairy products, primarily ice cream and Swiss cheese, which I really enjoyed. Not only did I have no diarrhea, but I had no intestinal bloating or cramping neither.

The mental benefits are a delightful windfall in addition to the physical benefits I have been experiencing since I started drinking noni juice. My mood has improved, I don't get negative mood swings as easily, and most importantly, I think more clearly than before. I teach math to students, so I need to have a clear mind. The frequent blackouts that used to occur from antibiotics and tranquilizers are gone and I find that I can find solutions to problems more easily and quickly than ever before. Sickness only surrounds me as a teacher when coughing and sneezing students are around me, but this is normal in our profession. When I feel like I could get infected with anything from the outside around me, I take an extra dose of noni juice.

Whatever goes around from the outside never infects me, and I stay healthy and happy. My colleges at school now tell me that I look great.

Elizabeth R., USA

This page offers individual, subjective testimonials that may have been impacted by factors other than noni juice consumption. The writers of these testimonies utilized varying amounts of Noni juice. If you have any medical conditions, please visit your doctor or a specialist.